Buffing a boat?

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2009
Sale Creek
Got me a small buffer thinking I would use some oxidize remover, polish and wax on the boat. I've never done this before and just kinda worry about hurting the boat. It's not in bad shape, just not as shiney as I would like - maybe I expect too much emoCrazy . Should I have any concerns about hurting the boat while doing this? I remember years ago about people talking about burning paint finishes on cars with a buffer. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated....Thanks,Jim
yeah what maggardjimmy said but i would try the polish first if the oxidation is not too bad, i did mine few years back and it shined up real good. good luck
Check out Bass Boat Central, there's some good information about restoring bass boats.
if theres alot of oxidation u can try using 1000 and up grit sandpaper,and wetsand it first,then buff,Cleaned mine up like brandnew,just dont hold the sandpaper in one place for two long.
I just did mine with Meguiar's Oxidation Remover/heavy duty cleaner and followed that up with Meguiar's Premium Marine Wax. Had about a two foot section that was heavily oxidized and then some water spots that didn't want to come off with just the wax. Didn't do the whole boat with the oxidation remover. Just the sections that needed it. Did it by hand. Picked the stuff up at Island Cove.
Thanks to all for the information. Top of the boat is a little hazey but smoothe as can be. I may need to try to buffer with a polish. Sides are slightly worse, but I don't think sandpaper will be needed yet....I suppose I should just go fish out of it and not worry about it.....Thanks again and see ya on the water....Jim