Bullfrogs with the long bows, 6/25/10 WD40 and Cathead

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Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
My buddies Don and Skyler have been whacking the big bulls up on Sand Mt, so Cathead and I ran up there to partake of some fun. </p>

The plan was 4 shooters with long bos and small game blunts to take them out. I have gigged frogs years ago in Fl, but I have never seen this many, and frogs this big. We were shooting within 1 minute out of the truck. It took Hunter 3-4 shot before he connected, but after that he started really getting his groove on, and shot about 15 I guess. I got some great night-video of several shots, but dont know if I can retrieve the data since I dunked my camera in one pond late in the night. :( </p>

Between Rob, Skyler, Zack, and Hunter we took home 39 frogs, and hit-lost at least 1-20 more. These are unbelievably strong critters, taking a blunt through the body on a 55lb bow and still jumping or swimming off like nothing happened. </p>

We did get some pics I will be posting when Don sends them to me, and hope to have some videos soon....</p>

All I know is, I have a big pile of legs to fry up.......emoHungry </p>




Thats some good eatin there!

Locked down for the summer with no fishing or boating has me about stir crazy! I'd love to go frog giggin one evening. Been looking for a decent place around here for a few years now without any luck.
Got my recurve out tonight. Can Turks string this thing tomorrow? I hope so! Were hitting 6 ponds saturday night!
Nice giggin' ! I love to eat frog legs. I haven't had any in years. I would drive with my mom and dad all the way to a restaurant in Decherd, Tn. just to eat them around 40 years ago emoHungry.
BBass - 7/1/2010 8:27 PM Got my recurve out tonight. Can Turks string this thing tomorrow? I hope so! Were hitting 6 ponds saturday night!

He probably has one built already Billy, if not he can build it and I can pick it up Sat night if you want. </p>
Man, that looks like an absolute blast!!!!

Bowfroggin' emoCool

those fried legs are making me emoHungry ....wonder if anyone has ever tried 'em "hot wing" style...hot-legs? emoIdea
Oops - can I still edit a post ? Hehe. Make that nice shootin' instead of gigging. I had a brain sprain and was thinking back to my youth when I went after those frogs a few times emoGeezer.

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