Caney Fork report 3-31-07

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Murfreesboro TN
Hey guys,

Hit the Caney today about 2pm til 6pm. Fishing was a little slow at first, but picked up fast and was furious after that. Caught somewhere around twenty rainbows, no browns today. Realeased all but 5. Biggest was 20", about three lbs. Two of the others I caught were 2lbs or better.

Lots of tree debris and trash on the water today. Still two of the fly fisherman I talked to said they had a bunch around 20". The Caney is on fire right now and a lot of big fish. Largest average rainbows this early in the year, for the last 3 years. Will post pictures as soon I get this size reformatting thing down.
That.s what I'm talking about. WTG nice report. Now I know I'm heading over there real soon. Thanks for that report from one of my favorite places.
I don't understand why I'm having such a hard time resizing these @#$% pictures, and then why they look so large and crazy on my posts.

By the way. thats a 60 quart cooler. The one on the bottom is the 20"er, I think. Anybody else on this forum fish for trout? If so, where?

I try to fish the Caney Fork @ least once a week and then camp or rent a cottage there at least two weeks a year. I feel so fortunate to have such a beautiful place to fish and to have had the luxury of time to learn it so well.

I'll never forget the first time I went. I got skunked and didn't know a thing about the river or how generation affected the fishery. I went @ a high generation time and just couldn't get the hang of what to use for bait or where to fish. I actually got out in the middle of the river and drifted with the current, dragging nightcrawlers along the bottom.

Got hung up 50 times but I didn't give up. I could just look at the water and structure and tell this place had serious potential. I remember when I first moved to TN from SC and would pass over the river on I-40. Just one look and I knew this was trout Heaven. There's a rest stop at mile marker 267 or so and it actually borders the river. I used to pull off and walk down to the waters edge and watch numerous trout rise simultaneously. I remember gettin' so excited thinkin' about fishing it for the first time.

I may have gotten skunked that first trip but I was back the very next day. Caught like two little 7 inchers and was ecstatic. I promised myself I would learn everything I could about the place and did. I spent the next 4 years fishing it and now I can say I honestly know almost every hole, riffle, and run for 10 miles.

I have to say though, I'm a big fish guy, mostly stripers and cats, so I never thought I'd fall in love with and spend so much time fishing for what on average is a 15" fish. There's just something majic about watching the aerial acrobatics of a rainbow trout. I've seen 'em do 720's forward and backward, bellyflops and backslaps.

If you guys ever get a chance to fish the Caney, you have to make the journey. It will truly hook you with it's scenery, fish and wildlife. I never go and not see numerous deer, turkey, weasels, ducks, and all sorts of other wildlife. And the river is carved through mountains of rock in places. It sure hooked me!
Mike, Why in this world would you ask if there are any other places to trout fish. But sinse you asked, NO!!!- -that is compared to the Caney-Fork. I do not think that you have a river of that high quality within a Thousand miles of here in any direction. You are blessed to be as close as you are to that place.

When you resize, are you saving the changes. If you want to keep your original use "Save as" and rename it.

Here is your pic reduced to scale. > <

You can have the big version deleted and post this
in this type brackets. [] (no spaces)

That should fix this thread and pull all the text back to the left for easier reading.
I went ahead and took those monster fish off the screen..LOL!</p>

Great bag man!  Looks like a good dinner to me! </p>
You guys are gonna have to pipe down about the Caney! We need to keep this place a secret! I have noticed over the past 5 years that the number of people fishing it has really increased! I can remember wading and fishing at the "whirlpool" with my dad, uncle, and cousins and we fished all day one saturday and never saw another fisherman. Although the river gets hit harder, I have noticed that there alot more big fish in the river than there used to be thanks to the 18" limit on browns.
Sorry man,

You're right! I've got to keep this place a secret. I, myself have had a many a great experience all to myself on the Caney, with not two fisherman float past me in 8 hrs.

I'm only going to post reports from now on, not details.

No offense intended, but I don't want to give the unscrupulus few who might read this, the chance to ruin the fishery.

The Caney is a fishery which has to be protected. Not looked at , as a place to "run and save money on some fresh trout filets'". As a place to be "protected" and to preserve the trout.

I know I take a few through the year for the grill, but I also pay $46 dolloars a year to do so, and I usually only keep the ones that are gut hooked or "belly up", after I release them.

The "Caney" is the kind of place that has to be protected, not molested.

I dont think you or I can slow down any of the pressure up there. Definitely dont quit posting reports! Ever since I moved back from M'boro I have really missed the Caney, and your reports are fun to read. I plan on floating the river Sunday. Hope this cold front doesn't slow them down!
Don't worry about that, I plan on hittin' it Sunday as well. The trout don't seem to be bothered by these cold fronts as much as one would think. I'll keep up the reports about the Caney, but no real details on where and how to fish.

Like I said, I just don't like to think of a bunch of people running down there and filling up coolers. Once a trout gets over 20" it has serious potential and they don't need to be taken out of the river.
When you get those bigs Browns and Rainbows just claim that you caught them in Chattanooga Creek off 38th Street. That'll work. J/KemoLaugh. Every fish in that creek has spots on them just like trout for some reason.

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