Cat Report, 7-6-06

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
Had a great time chasing cats with Jim Thomison and Rick Howser. Tough water tonight. Only the second time this year I've fished with four generators screamin' hard. The fish don't care, it just makes it a little tougher on the fishermen. The big fish bite was slow, and the only real good fish Rick reeled in (20 lbs. plus), I managed to break off with a poorly-placed grab with the infamous Cabelas Grabbers. emoBang Rick didn't think too poorly of me, I hope? Rick did hang the bottom one time... at least he thought it was bottom until it began to swim away, and sadly kept swimming, sans hook. emoPoke After generators slowed down we managed a few fish in the 5-to-15 lb. class. Cattin' in the dark, without a flashlight, is interesting. I gotta remember to keep a light in the boat. emoIdea
Nice catch Richard. I got one of the little head lamps from wally world that has the leds in it. Its a good light and the red lamp is excellent in the boat. Just enough light with out all the glare. Glad ya'll had a good time. Thanks for the report.