I took Dr Phillip fishing this morning. We went to Sequoia to catch white bass in the jumps, but they weren't jumping this morning. We stayed around 40 minutes waiting on them and only saw 1 small and extremely short jump and the fish disappeared again. Commercial fishermen were hauling their nets in up there and raking in the bluecats from what we could see. So we left and went back down to Harrison Bluff to try our luck.
Our 3 largest fish went 10, 12, and 14 pounds. We had to quit due to prior committments, but the fish were just turning on when we had to go. Darn, wish that I could have fished 2 more hours.emoGeezer
Our 3 largest fish went 10, 12, and 14 pounds. We had to quit due to prior committments, but the fish were just turning on when we had to go. Darn, wish that I could have fished 2 more hours.emoGeezer