catfishing with shrimp???

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
Carlisle AR
ive seen people post that they used shrimp for catfish bait, and i was wondering what size and what kind of shrimp people use? are they whole shrimp or are they raw ready to cook shrimp?? any info would be helpful. im going in the morning and i thought i would try something new.
From the reports I see and personal stories, ANY kind of shimp works fine. Personaly I would use any kind a cut bait I could get my hands on. Catch some bream at the dock, or at your fishing location for that matter! Good luck though!!!!
as long as they are raw you should be ok. I dont catch very many big fish on em but I usually get quite a few of the little guys.
Hey Hoggerhead - I haven't done any catfishing here yet but back in Washington State where I'm from shrimp was my favorite bait for cats. They are also probably the most popular bait for winter steelhead fishing - we would soak them in garlic, shrimp oil, or any other stinky fish atractant mixed with a package of strawberry kool-aid which would dye them bright red/pink. They were called sand shrimp and we always bought them frozen, I don't think they were cooked. I haven't seen them around here but haven't paid much attention. Good luck - TD
They sell a bag of them at wally world for about 5 bucks with the shell on them. Frozen I take me out a hand full and pour vanilla extract on them and let it soak on the way to fish and they are good for whole fryers in the 2 to 3 lb range but I have caught some 6 and 7 pounders off them also. Good bait as far as I am concerned.
I caught my PB on shrimp, a 39 pounder. I have caught several over 30 with shrimp as well. I usually target smaller cats to eat, 8-12 lbs are perfect for filleting. I buy the 60-70 count size in the seafood dept at Wally World. Best deal that I have found. Sometimes I peel them and sometimes I don't. Seems like if I peel them I get more bites. That could just be my imagination, as I have a vivid one. emoUpsmile

I read in a mag one time that mussels are bluecats favoite food and that is why I started using shrimp for bait. But I usually carry an assortment of baits when I go fishing for them. Cut bait is hard to beat in the summer time. Rsimms swears by chicken breasts, but I think that the reason for that it is easiest for him to acquire. (He has stock in Bi-Lo's.) emoPoke emoBigsmile Bait up 3 or 4 rods with different baits and let the catfish tell you what they prefer on that particular day. Skipjacks are probably the best overall bait that you could use.

I had rather be Crappie fishing though. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
drumking - 8/17/2007 10:01 AM <font color="#ff0000">That could just be my imagination, as I have a vivid one.</font>emoBigsmile emoGeezer

Still on those meds from the surgery I see DK
DK rsimms uses that chicken because it is the only thing he will eat raw when he gets hungry while fishing.emoBigsmile
He loves fishing more then he loves eating.
Bubbakat - 8/17/2007 2:18 PM

DK rsimms uses that chicken because it is the only thing he will eat raw when he gets hungry while fishing.emoBigsmile
He loves fishing more then he loves eating.

You know, he did say one time that he could always go home and have fried chicken if the fishing wasn't too good. emoBigsmile emoGeezer

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