CBA Arrowhead Marine Open, April 21st.....

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Just wanted to remind everyone that this coming weekend on the 21st is the April CBA open tournament sponsored by Arrowhead Marine. The lake is up about 4 feet and still has a couple feet to go but the water is much better to run now. emoThumbsup There are still a couple island humps that are very shallow but most you will go over. emoRolleyes The sign up sheets are at Hamilton Sports and FishnFun already, the sign up sheets for Nicholes Marine and Soddy Tackle should be there sometime today. Anyone that does not know the entry for these are $120.00 a team for an adult team entry and $60.00 a team for a youth team.(one person must be under 16 years of age at the time of sign up for it to be a youth team) First place on the monthly tournament is $2,000.00 for the winning team with the rest of the places according to the number of paying teams that enter by 6:00 o'clock on Friday evening.

This is the last month you can get on board to fish the classic. You must fish at least 7 months in order to fish the classic and with two months behind us now there are only seven months left. If you want to fish the classic you must get a processing card. Each angler must have a card and they are $50.00 each. When you sign up you have to draw a blast off number. If you are not happy with the number you draw you can draw again as many times as you want but each re-draw is $10.00. All the process fee money and re-draw money is added to the year end classic placement award money. emoThumbsup The CBA is a non-profit organization and has a 501(c)3 status. All moneys collected and made through out the year will be put into the year end classic to be awarded to all the teams that fish it. Last year the winning team received $10,000.00 for first and last place received $300.00. emoToast You cannot loose on that tournament. Last year the CBA awarded approximately $300,000.00 in all to it's anglers that fished the tournaments and just in the classic alone there was over $55,000.00 in cash awards.

Please visit our web site for further information and if you have any questions just post it here, PM me or call one of the officers. Churly is out of pocket until Friday so you are stuck with the rest of us.

emoTongue Jmax
We Guarantee $2k for the win and pay a place for every 5 entries. We work hard to put on the best open points team trail in the south!
Damon is just excited he got rid of Davo, emoPoke He is probably thinking without Davo or Tom he will probably catch some fish. emoEvil JK. emoBigsmile

emoSorry Just could not help myself. emoTongue Jmax

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