CBA August day points

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Eight days since the Day CBA and five more to go until the night CBA for this month. Yep, I hear ya Bobby. :( Jmax
Gents, as said before, you can do them if you know how. I've been covered up all week with military funeral honors. I am sitting in Pelham, TN right now about to do another one today. Won't be back home until about 6 this evening and my family time comes before posting points.
FishingWithASoldier - 8/21/2016 3:31 PM

Gents, as said before, you can do them if you know how. I've been covered up all week with military funeral honors. I am sitting in Pelham, TN right now about to do another one today. Won't be back home until about 6 this evening and my family time comes before posting points.

Have you thought about showing someone how to do it. As I said before, I would be glad to help if someone would take the time to show me. Someone had to have shown you. Is there also not any other officer who could do so? Just wondering. I know there was another guy the last time you said that, he also said he would. emoScratch Jmax
Are you a cba officer or just do the website as a favor? If you are a officer and get the perks (good boat number/fish for free) you should post the results in a timely manner. If you are doing it as a favor and you don't have the time to do it a officer needs to step up and do it.
I was an officer, don't really have too much time to fish anymore being Active Duty Marine Corps and about to leave for 3 years to Japan so most of my time has been focused on my family.
Well I will start by saying thank you for your service!
So basically another officer needs to do it.
Agree. We could chip in and get jmax a notebook and he will post all the results. He can only fit the top 10 on a sticky note. Lol I've seen him doing it.
There are 10 officers and over 200 members surely we can get this resolved as those of us in the hunt to make the top 25 for the Classic need to make plans according to how we stand in points for the months.
javelin379 - 8/21/2016 5:50 PM

Agree. We could chip in and get jmax a notebook and he will post all the results. He can only fit the top 10 on a sticky note. Lol I've seen him doing it.

emoUpsmile What can I say, that's true! emoBigsmile Jmax
As Chase said the results have been posted. At the end of last season nobody would step up for the Secretary position and I asked Chase if he would be willing to do it because he builds websites etc... It wasn't known that he was going to be getting transferred overseas which has taken up a lot of his time over the last couple of months. He hasn't fished a CBA since the spring but has still done the results and points. We are going a different direction starting in the August night tournament because it is important to have results posted quickly after a tournament. I must say it is also frustrating because come officer nominations in the September tournament nobody will volunteer, but it's easy to bitch when something is wrong. A trail the size of the CBA should have a paid tournament director with all of the effort that is put in with very little received in return but it doesn't which benefits you the fisherman and allows you to fish for larger cash prizes. I'm not really sure what the point is of donating so many hours to something that does so much good and the only thing pointed out is the 1 or 2 negative things. Chase, thank you for your service (which allows us to live in a free land and fish tournaments like these, And consider things like the results being a couple of days late a life and death situation), and the hours you spent in the off-season at meetings with us trying to get more sponsors, and designing the poster, and changing all the sponsor stuff for the website, and doing the points because I told you I needed your help when nobody else would step up.
Chase, I apologize to you as I was not aware of the situation you are in. Thank you so much for your service to our country and for your volunteering your time. You are so right family and duty do come first. Again I'm sorry for the way this post sounded in the beginning.
It's all good everyone. I still love everyone the same, lol. Thanks Shane for the kind words. It does suck that I am leaving, but I will be back once I retire in 8 years. Fishing With A Soldier will still be going on every year and I plan on coming back every year. Cheers
Shane if you need somebody to help once chase has to go to Japan I would be more then happy to do it , I have plenty of free time every day and it would actually be fun for me because I like being on the computer . I have chases number and could text him about all the details about it so he could help me . Also , chase thank you for not only your service but also everything you have done to help the CBA and the Chattanooga area with fishing with a solider . Your a great person and I wish you the best while you are gone .
Aj barnes - 8/23/2016 5:29 PM

Shane if you need somebody to help once chase has to go to Japan I would be more then happy to do it , I have plenty of free time every day and it would actually be fun for me because I like being on the computer . I have chases number and could text him about all the details about it so he could help me . Also , chase thank you for not only your service but also everything you have done to help the CBA and the Chattanooga area with fishing with a solider . Your a great person and I wish you the best while you are gone .

Well there ya go.

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