CBA High School Championship- April 9th

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Feb 27, 2009
The CBA High School Championship is quicly approaching. Coaches I need your rosters! We will have the pre-tournament meeting at Academy Sports by Hamilton Place Mall on Friday, April 8th from 6-8PM. Coaches if you don't have an entry form please let me know. You can reach me at 423-421-6022 or [email protected].

Thanks and we are looking forward to a great event. We will have more than 150 boats in this event.
The nwghsaa web page is saying the meeting will be at sportsman's warehouse..............................
I have asked our website guru to make the cahnge & I sent out a remind msg to all of our group.
Thought I would send another heads up to all on this one. emoAngel Between this one out of Chester and the Heartland out of Harrison Bay there will be a few boats on the water this weekend. emoBigsmile Wishing all these young ladies and gents a great day on the water and most of all have some fun. emoToast

Here is more on this event if you want to know click here.

emoThumbsup Jmax
Would like to think everybody with the CBA for putting together this tournament for our high school kids.........