CBA July 25th Night Tx.

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Jan 19, 2007
Hooterville or Ooltewah
Just talked with a friend of mine fresh from the CBA weigh in. Those CBAer's have totally M-Bare-Assed- me once again! I caught 4 little dinks last night! That was it! I don't think I could have filled a limit with TNT. I was told that there were 20 bags over 20 lbs! Barry Wingo wins with 29 + lbs. and had a 9 + kicker. Tony Townsend and Galen James, second with 28. Team Bank Robbers, the Lusk Brothers were 3rd with 26 + and Mr. Kite and company was 4th with 26 +. That is just what I heard this morning so it is unofficial, hear say evidence and inadmissible in a court of law! Now I going to go quietly into another room and sulk with my coffee. I'll enter into a state of deep ponderment and try to figure out just what in blazes these guys were doing! Congrats to all the winners!
You heard right! WOW! emoEek I went to the weigh in and there were about 1/3rd of the boats with 20 lbs or more. Then Barry Wingo and Jeff Hineman won it with just over 29 lbs. There were 10 places paid and it took 23.17 to get tenth. emoWorthy There were some who never found them last night but the ones who did really did well.

Congrats to all who got a check! emoApplause Jmax
I was asked "how many dead?". I decided to take along a cooler in case anyone had not offered to take any dead ones home. When I was an officer of the CBA a couple times that was an issue. When I got there no one had offered to take them so I did. Put a big cooler there by the guys who were releasing the fish and when it was over I had nine in my ice chest. emoThumbsup Gang, I don't care what tournament you are in. If you have over 60 boats fish a tournament this time of year and only having nine dead is pretty darn good. Especially in a 12 hour tournament. You will always have a few for sometimes unknown reasons pass. Not gonna say that some released might not make it for "Delayed Mortality", but dead at the weigh-in was "9". Good job on keeping them alive. emoToast Jmax
Bass, even large bass, are dang good fried golden brown. I usually cut them into strips since they are a rather large thick fish. They fry up really nice that way. That's some outstanding bags!! I never thought the Chic would ever come back from the total grass kill of the 80's. But the TWRA has done a great job.
Just saw the official results. Wow - some nice sacks by quite a few. Debbie's son Shaun fished with Newberry and they weren't far off from the money in 12th place with 23.00 lbs. emoThumbsup They have Jeff Knight listed. emoScratch

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