I was over at the HBSP right at sundown yesterday and you would have thought there was a tournament going on. emoScratch There was a lot of boats coming in all at once and getting on their trailers. I listened in on a couple and I think they were pre-fishing for this weekend's CBA. emoSmile The bummer is right now with all the break ins and crooks me and PaulJ are so busy with bad guys putting in alarm and camera systems we have no time to fish. emoBawl Yep, when you have no job you ain't got the money to fish and when you have a job and the money you just don't have the time. emoBang Life just ain't fair. Looks like I am back to being with some of you other work dogs. emoBigsmile No time and too much water. Me and PaulJ are still going to give our donation tomorrow and will be there for the points. Hopefully the ol' saying that"Even a blind hog can find and acorn every now and then.", will fit us tomorrow. I have not been on the water since me and fishinjuckie had our good day. emoRolleyes Maybe we can find some bass that will bite.
C-you on the water and some of you fishheads at the CBA emoThumbsup Jmax
C-you on the water and some of you fishheads at the CBA emoThumbsup Jmax