CBA Partner 6/20-fishinvol replacement

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
Soddy Daisy
Need someone to replace fishinvol next week in the cba tx as he is attending his baby girl's birthday party. The requirements to be fishinvol's replacement aren't very tough.

1. Need to be a short, fat, dork.
2. No actual fishing talent required.
3. Must be lame
4. Must pay about 20% of expenses.
5. Don't have to bring any credible knowledge to the team.

Pm if interested.

I hope i'm not getting in the middle of some sort of domestic issue here. I dont want to get heckled at the weigh in by a jealous partner.
You don't have big shoes to fill Thomas. Just big panties and bra to fill. I keep a box of tampons in the boat for my regular partner as well.
fishinvol - 6/10/2009 3:09 PM

beetlespin - 6/10/2009 3:06 PM Seat filled by Twilson who exceeds all the requirements.


Hope he's got a super strong back toy carry your fat a** !!!!

LOL...No you didnt! Thats funny!emoLaugh </p>
Why not fish it by yourself so Chris can get the points? If you fish with another, Chris gets zero.
Yes. So long as you fish it by yourself..he can get the points too. Rules state that you can only do this 2 times...each. So if Chris misses , lets say 2 times, and you fish alone he gets points. Then lets say you miss one and he fishes it get points. (2 times each is what it amounts too)</p>

Teddy and I may or may not be in that situation in the next few months and i checked with Perchjerker on it. </p>
Yes one partner can miss and you can still get points. I had to miss one last year.
I fished the second one by myself this year. I just dont know how much it would help Chris since he didnt start the season with lance.
Yes, this is true. If he has also missed a tx. he needs to fish 7 tx MONTHS. to be elgible for The Sportsman's Warehouse Classic. June ,July and August only count for three tx months even thou six of them are available to fish. Lance, your new partner will also have to have a process # for you to get points. If you have any questions to eliminate any surprises you can contact Chris , Tom , Justin or one of the officers from the CBA home page.

Thanks, Chris
I already have a CBA number my normal partner is just fishing the southern anglers that day and we already fished the night tournament last week.
You two can fish together, recieve points, and credit towards the required 7 months to fish the classic, but Chris will get no points. If Lance fishes alone, but puts Chris's name on the card, Chris will recieve points. Its simple. I dont blame him for attending his girls party a bit!

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