Talk about a slow and rough day.
The officers setup and got everything in order Friday night, which takes awhile being we have to get all the sign up locations to report, fill out checks, set the blast off sheet, organize prizes, banners, on and on...I think I got in bed around 10 after I got home and took care of my stuff. Got up around 4, put gas in the boat and had breakfast with a few of the other anglers.
Wind, rain, cold air all day...not exactly the greatest day to be on the lake. Kudos to all those that toughed it out!
Teddy and I had a game plan which could have got us 15-18 pounds. Boy did our fish leave the area! Tried everything we knew to do to find them close by but no takers like we've been having. I think we manged to get 1-2 fish every hour but only 4 measured 16-17 inches in the well. (Hey, its points!)
We worked jerk baits and rattles on flats all day and tried some of the deeper water nearby. Just couldn't get # 5 in the well. We dont feel too bad, we didnt totally bomb out so we're happy about that!
The weigh in was fun. Very good crowd for such a crappy day! Mo Mos BBQ came in handy!
Thanks MoMo's!
Congrats to Buddy and Greg...Good talking with you Greg!
After everyone took off, the officers had to put thins back to norm at the park. I think we left around 6:30 or I said, Long day.
Thanks to all those that fish..Good seeing some CFF faces out there too. emoThumbsup