CBA rules on smallmouth

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
Rockwood, TN
In the CBA tournament trail, how many smallmouth can a team weigh in? Does it matter what lake its caught on? And is there any restrictions on locking through with a smallmouth, or per contestant? Please clarify. The reason I ask is... if I were to lock through, how many small jaws can I bring to the weigh in? Can I catch one and my partner catch one, or is it one per team?
Not in CBA but i would imagine it would be 2 per boat as per law you can only keep one over 18" so twop people in a boat would mean u could have 2
Wyatt, If there are 2 anglers in a boat you can weigh in 2 smallies. Watts Bar, Chick, and Nick are legal fishing waters. An angler fishing alone can only keep one ( we must abide by TWRA rules) Keep in mind, we offer a big smallie prize at each event, so if you know where some big ones are it may be worth a run!
Thanks guys. I just wanted clarification. I was under the impression that I could only bring in 1, so you answered my question. I appreciate it.
<font size="2">Two people in the boat does not guarantee that you can weigh in two smallmouth. In order to weigh two smallmouth each angler would have to catch a single legal smallmouth. The Tennessee regulation reads per each angler a bag limit of five black bass including a single 18" smallmouth.</font></p>
If you have 2 anglers in a boat then you can have 2-18" Smallmouth bass in that boat all day long. TWRA rules and regulations are stating that you can only have 1-18" smallmouth per angler in the boat at any given time.
I was almost sure it reads that the limit for smallmouth was one per angler per day. So technically Carl should be correct. You could always pass the rod off before it is boated if you already had one in the box. Havent read the regs in a while and im sure that you would not be ticketed if there are two folks in the boat. But does raise a question if it is indeed interpreted that way and a protest was made due to violation of a state law. You would have to be a total d&*khe@d to do that but could be some grey area.
No Hagen...You answered it right. 1 per angler. Doesn't say that each had to catch the one. ;)
I'm sure TWRA officers at weigh ins and actual TWRA competitors in CBA could clear that up for everyone....But I think its simple enough. :)
<font size="2">If you can not catch and keep 2 smallmouth if you are fishing alone, then you can not do it fishing with someone . It is per each angler not for each angler, you don't get credit for standing there.</font>