CFF Harrison Bay results 10/28/2006

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2006
Ooltewah, TN
We had a pretty good turnout considering the temp and the wind, wind, wind...........
A total of 26 people fished the Tx today and some did great and others, like me, should have stayed in bed. Here are the results and my report will follow.

1st Place: Sullivan & Hilliard with 5 bass weighing 10.72.
2nd Place: Hooker771 & Rrigsby with 5 bass weighing 10.13.
3rd Place: dec1 & RangerRob, 3 bass weighing 9.92.
4th Place: Flip1up with 3 bass weighing 8.09.
5th Place: Pointer 78 & Cope, 3 bass weighing 7.99.
6th Place: Beetlespin, 2 bass, 4.62.
7th Place: Gafisherman & Bigbux, 3 bass, 4.42.
8th Place: Jmax & Chris, 2 bass, 4.21.

Big fish went to dec1 with a beautiful football that weighed 4.86, 2nd big fish went to Sullivan/ Hilliard with a 3.90 largemouth.

Michael and I started out in a place that I usually do very well in (Jmax knows exactly where). My shad weren't there in numbers and only a few bass showing themselves. Michael boated a 14 incher on a 1/2 White Dixie Jig Works Spinnerbait with a single silver willow blade. We were fishing 5 feet and less. We moved to another standby area and zeroed. We were throwing spinnerbaits, spooks, sammys and T-rigged worms. We went back to the first area and I caught a twin to Michael's 14 incher and saw Jmax and Chris again. There was a lot of activity but for some reason we couldn't hook up. I started chunking a Stike King fluke that looked great to me and 1 fish (missed) but no other fish. We then headed to Wolftever and tried a variety of lures and areas with nothing. I finally hooked up on 2 small bass using a Mann's Hardnose worm on wood cover, very shallow. That was it for us. We went back to the islands and a couple of other areas and saw some really good bass busting shad, right beside the boat, but as Jmax said earlier, I must have been jinxed because we goose egged. Not one frigging keeper all day. All I have to show for it is a windburned face and a broken streak.

I want to thank everyone who participated and really thank Jmax for helping bigtime at the weigh-in and of course Flip1up for the generous use of his scales again.

We need to have another one soon so that I can get back in the saddle.
RE: CFF Harrison Bay results

Good job on the tourny man. Pat on the back and you deserve it. Glad everyone had a good day out.. (A good day is when everyone comes home safe.) Thanks for the report and Thanks to you and all the guys for making it happen..!emoThumbsup

Congrats to the winners and hope everyone gets a good nights sleep!emoLaugh
RE: CFF Harrison Bay results

Davo...goose egg?!!?!!? Man, must have been a real tough day! Sorry you didn't produce a bag. But aleast you got to go..LOL!

I'm sure that wind didn't help as bit. Those bass just didnt want to bite did they...</p>

Congrats to the winners and BF.
RE: CFF Harrison Bay results

Although it was very windy, I had a blast today. We started out down past Island Cove on some deep points this morning and caught our 2.5 pounder on a jig and pig within the first thirty min. After that we picked two spots of the bluff wall with a countdown and a rooster tail. We caught a lot more short fish but could not get any big fish out of our honey hole. Once the sun got all the way up and the bluebird skies showed up we did not get many good bites at all. Had a blast though and cant wait for the next one. dusty
RE: CFF Harrison Bay results

I went to bed last night around 2am and checked the weather right before I turned in......WIND! WIND!.......I knew it would be a tough day on the lake. Congrats to the winners, you really had your work cut out for you.
RE: CFF Harrison Bay results

Great job and it sounds like a fine turnout - I look forward to reading all the reports! Who are the winners? I don't see them on the calendar as CFF members. Nevermind...I checked and it looks like Hilliard equates to JigFlippen - Congrats on the win!
Thanks to Davo for hosting today. BIG thanks to dec1 for offering up the back seat. I had to schedule-juggle, so my decision to fish was pretty last-minute and I got to forgo hooking up the Ranger and finding a partner and got to fish with dec1.

We thought we were on to something and looked forward to a good day, but alas, the Chick gods wouldn't allow it. We had all 9-point-something pounds in the livewell by 8am, and spent the last part of the day scrambling to get the last two. Needless to say ... it was ultra-frustrating. To make things worse on your's truely, ALL three were dec1's and I just couldn't get a keeper. He front-boated me all day and blocked me from the choice holes, but it wouldn't have mattered since I was either eating, re-tying, dipping, or grabbing the net for him! Just joshin. I wasn't front-boated, but it wouldn't have mattered ... it just wasn't my day.

All the keepers came from a small area that was generally just a flat that was adjacent to deep wa-wa. We tried to duplicate the pattern all day, but it seemed that once the sun appeared, the pattern was gone. Two of the keepers came on a SB, the other on a BB. We mostly threw SBs, jigs, and shakey-heads all day, with a small % of other baits thrown in for desperation. Just one more keeper would have won this thing for us, but we just couldn't make it happen.

dec1 was an excellent host and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Fall is a fantastic time to be out, and especially with the crew from the CFF. I enjoyed seeing you all today and look forward to the next day out.

I caught about 12 fish. 6 on a white/black DLW chatterbait and the rest on a DLW watermelon colored jig with a green pumpkin chunk. Same story for me with the early bite. I think after 10 a.m. I only caught 2 fish. All 3 keepers came out of visable brush piles in about 2-5 feet of water. I also flipped WT creek. I figured with the good looking color the bite would be on after the sun got high, but I didnt even get a sniff. Anybody catch anything in there?
I think Rigsby and myself fished everywhere but in WT. We started the morning staying in HBSP. We fished both sides but only found fish on the stumps. Ryan was able to boat 2 nice keepers on buzz bait. For some reason we took off to other spots and tried fishing different patterns but nothing doing. We went to the shallows and started chunking white spinner baits and I was able to catch my first keeper. He was doing good to make the 15" mark. Next we went over to the Rip Rap at the bridge into WT and I heard Ryan calling for me to get the net. ABout that time a 4+ spit out his crank bait. That was the ONLY fish that we had bite our lines while fishing any sort of rock. They seemed to all be in shallow flats or on stumps. The Sun came out and we didnt catch a fish for 4 hours or so. We tried everything and everywhere. Finally we came back to the shallow water where you would expect the wind to have blown bait fish (same place I caught my first keeper). There were bass busting everywhere. I think I caught 6 in 10 casts but all were too small. We had 40 minutes left and only 3 keepers. Decision time! Stay and try to find a couple that will stretch like mine from earlier or go and try to catch some keeper spots. We decided to stay and it paid off. I kept chunking my white SB and Ryan I think A Rattle Trap. About 3 minutes to go and my perverbial last cast I caught A 16.5" incher. I think we posted 10.1 pounds or so.

Congrats to the winners! I tell you what. IM NOT IN FISHING SHAPE. My back hurts, my shoulders hurt (stupid cover alls are too small), my wrists hurt, but we made a little money and I got to see you guys in person. Good times. Im not sure I caught either one of these fish in the pic but im not sure I didnt either.emoAngel


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great job hooker! im the only guy who has fished a cff tournament with ryan and not got a check.he is bad luck!
Dangit! Should have weighed my two scrawny keepers...I might have edged out Jmax & ChrisemoLaugh. When my father-in-law backed the trailer in, he said it looked like most of you had a limitemoScratch. I know I saw some good bags being dumped at the dock.
We started out in the cove where I caught the big bass last weekend and on my first cast I hooked up with what I thought was another hawg. When it did not fight back, I figured I was hung-up. We trolled over and I saw a flash of white and excitedly yelled "She's still on!" The flash of white turned out to be a catfish...and a drum...and another catfish...all entangled in a gill net along with my spinnerbaitemoBang. An hour later the trolling motor gets hung in another. It turns out that there were three gill nets, each tied to the stump row and crossing the cove to secondary points. With my secret spot botched and no depthfinder, we resorted to cove-hopping. Aside from the fact that only two measured, we did OK with a total of 17 LM, 1 SM, and a drum.
Well, here's how we did......
RattleTrap and I fished hard for the entire day without anything to weigh in. He did catch a 10" spot and I lost a 2lb + lm when it jumped about 4 ft out of the water and threw my worm to me. We enjoyed the day anyway. Great to meet and fish with RattleTrap.
Maybe next time??????????
Pointer 78 and I started in Harrison Bay and I had a keeper fish hooked before most of the other boats left the Bay. He pulled off right at the boat. Pointer 78 hooked up with a good keeper on a spinnerbait and a little while later had another large fish hang him up and pull off. We moved out to the river and Pointer 78 hooked up with another good keeper on plastic. We left that spot and went down river to a cove and did no good there. Went back to Harrison Bay where Pointer 78 hooked up with our 3rd and last keeper on a spinnerbait. We both caught some non-keeper bass, and ended up with 7.99 lbs at the weigh-in. All in all, a decent day with a good fishing partner. We caught all our fish on wood in the wind blown water. If there was no wood and no wind = no fish.
I wanted to take a moment and thank Davo for putting this one on. Also I wanted to say congrats to the teams of Sullivan and Hilliard for winning and the team of Hooker and Rrigsby for a close second. As usual I had a great time and enjoyed meeting the guys I had not before as well a seeing some of you knuckleheads I already have met and had the pleasure of fishing with before. It still amazes me that we have not had a repeat winner. I kind of like it in that you cannot say with our bunch that anyone dominates our Txs.emoSmile Not one person has won more than once. I want to wish you guys a great Tx at Weiss and I hope you rip them. I will be in Arkansas looking for Bambi's dad.emoBigsmile Jmax
Congrats guys. In the future, there's no need to check a weather report for these tourneys. Just look to see if Hooker's signed up. If he is, the wind will blow hard. Hooker, looking forward to getting pushed around the lake Thursday.
I wish I could say he was lying but cant. BB and I have fished together several times and I would say that 1 time we had good weather. Thursday will be no exception im afraid.