CFF League-Fantasy Football

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2005
Cleveland, Tennessee
I love fantasy sports. I play it year round whether it be football, baseball, or basketball. I know I'm not the only one.</p>

I have set up a league on Yahoo for CFF members. It is a 12 team league with both offensive and defensive scoring. There are 11 spots left.</p>

The draft will be live on Thursday,August 25th at 8 p.m.</p>

It is free to join Yahoo Fantasy Football and this league. Once all 12 spots are filled perhaps we can talk about putting up a new fishing rod for the League Champion if everyone is willing to contribute $10.00 or so.</p>

We can talk trash to each other on here.</p>

I know there is a work stoppage presently. I'm not going to let reality stop the fantasy.</p>

P.M. me for more details and password to join.</p>
I know that how some do it, but it can be even better if a few get together somewhere with internet's almost like a draft room...for a draft.
25 days till the draft. We presently have 4 spots left. To those that I sent the information to but haven't registered, get signed up. This should be lots of fun.</p>

Seth, Junkie, Dropshot, Adam, and Ranger23 together, couldn't put together a decent girls softball team....much less an NFL team. I need competition guys. </p>

Anyone else wanna join?</p>