CFF Member parked on boat ramp

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2006
East Ridge
I drove up to the riverpark Wednesday evening to prefish for tomorrow nights tournament. When I arrived I pulled up and removed the tie downs and attach the rope I use to tie off when I back the boat off the trailer. Before I had a chance to get back in the truck someone in a jon boat wiht a tiller controlled Yamaha sporting a CFF sticker come flying in and backed down the ramp closest to the dock. Did it irk me? YES IT DID!!! We preach prepping your boat before backing down the ramp and with the race to get in the water before dark to maximize fishing time it made me a little mad.

I then had to wait for this guy to finish prepping his boat and backing his boat off the trailer the same way I normally do. To make matters worse, the guy then parked his boat directly beside the dock, preventing me from unloading the boat until he completely moved.

I know that this is frustrating, Dropshot, but you probably learned one lesson. When you launch your boat, launch it close enough to the dock that someone can't block you again like this thoughtless CFFer did. Did you ask him for his screen name? emoGeezer
I did not ask him his screen name. One reason I got ticked was because I had not backed in yet. I never back down the ramp until I am ready to unload, which includes loading everything in the boat and unhooking everything except the front. Once I am ready, I normally back down the lane closest to the dock when I am by myself. It would not have mattered had the guy been ready to unload, but to take his own sweet time to prep then unload was what had me fuming; especially when he could see me preparing to back down.
I see this sometimes too.... another pet peeve I have, is at Harrison bay... people pull their boats around to the top of the ramp to prep before loading, and/or pull their boats out of the water and stop... right in the place where you have to pull up to back your trailer into the water.... trailers can't back down to pull boats out, boats that are ready to put in can't bacause folks are sitting at the top of the ramp. When I get there, there is usually a line in front of the restaraunt... here is where I prep my boat (all but the front trailer hook)... when folks are out of the way, I move up, back down, unhook the front hook, back it into the water, and get out of the way... I try my best to be as quick as possible and not hold other folks up.... when I pull my boat out... I don't stop in the area that's used to pull up to position yourself to back down like 75% of the people do... I pull on up to the top of the hill, giving everyone room to do what they need to. My wife, last year jacknifed my trailer trying to back down between 3 boats sitting at the top of the ramp, one was prepping is boat, 2 were ski boats tying down, fastening everything, cleaning up from the trip, taking their own sweet time... no trailer was in the water for 15 minutes and she figured they weren't going to move for a while... these folks were in the way.
In a heavily populated area like Chattanooga you are going to have problems like this. Always been this way, always will.
And dropshot is one of the slowest boat launchers on the planet! I guess he was just anxious to get to those sssppppaaaaaaaaaaatttttsssss!

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