Well-known member
The CFF Tournament no. 5 scheduled for May 20th was voted on and changed by the Tournament Committee and then announced at the weigh in of CFF no. 4. After about two weeks of discussion it was decided that the tournament should be moved simply because of the shear number of other and lager tournaments scheduled for that same weekend. The Big Bass Splash, the Home Builders Tournament, and Guys and Dolls. The decision was not for the reason to accommodate CFF participants that wanted to fish any of these events. We did not want to move to May 6th for two reasons. One, we would have tournaments on back to back weekends. Secondly, the Costa Tournament and the Sportsman's Warehouse Dream Tournament were also schedule for that weekend. Then no one wanted to move to the 27th which is Memorial Day Weekend because of the anticipated added boat traffic and it would also would be conflicting with many others holiday plans. May the 13th was the only other Saturday to choose from and also had less tournaments scheduled. The only one we were aware of at the time on the 13th was the CBA. Then we found out later that the Tri State Club was also scheduled on the 13th. We have several anglers that fish with that club too. The committee has always made attempts to schedule around and away from other tournaments. Especially the CBA. We have never changed a tournament to accommodate any individuals. We do try to schedule the CFF dates around the larger tournaments to avoid the anticipated boat traffic and to make those dates available to many of you to fish those events. We usually only change a date or lake or ramp to avoid other tournaments and traffic congestion. However there are so many tournaments that it is virtually impossible to schedule around and dodge them all. And there are times that you are unaware of a tournament until the last minute so to speak. There will always be a conflicting date with someone somewhere. If you are lucky enough to be fishing more than one tournament trail and find you have them both scheduled on the same date then you simply have to choose which one you want to fish. That is your individual decision to make. No matter how hard we try, you cannot please everyone. That is just impossible. Being on the Tournament Committee is a thankless job to say the least. The members pay their entry fee just like everyone else. We do not get to fish free or enjoy any other perks. There is a lot of work, planning and involvement that most of you are totally unaware of. Through the year members discuss and vote on a number of things that we think is for the betterment of the CFF group. The main reason we lose committee members is they get tired of dealing with the complaining. We try to make the best decision for ALL participants of the CFF Trail on each and every issue. It is a process called voting and it takes a majority vote to rule and make a decision. Each member has only one vote to cast. Members also get the opportunity to hear all the gripes and complaints about how things should be handled or changed by a number of people that will not work on the committee themselves yet they are eagerly all to happy to share with you there opinions on just how things should be done. What I would suggest for them in a very nice way is to start up the Perfect World Bass Tour. Then they can select the dates, the lakes, the ramps, the blast off and weigh in times and do whatever they so choose. Then everything would be great and they would have no complaints! But yes, in the past we have had some bad information concerning other tournaments and we have made a bad choice. We admit that we have made bad decisions before and we try learn form that and correct it as to not make the same mistake again. We made a bad decision on choosing the Serindino Ramp Saturday. We were trying to stay away from the other ramps and have that one to ourselves but we under estimated how many participants would show up and it was a mess. And so we will not go back there again. We do listen to your opinions and try make decisions based what best accommodates everyone. Again we do not attempt to accommodate just a chosen few as has been suggested. Thank you to all the CFF Tournament Trail participants and for reading my explanation, comments and personal rant. I hope to see you all on may 13th at the Harrison Bay State Park ramp!