CFF Schedule proposal

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Wet Willie

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Ringgold, Ga
Guys, here is another attempt at a schedule. I have taken into account the CBA, Catch, and BFL. Please feel free to attack it in any way and make any and all suggestions for improvement. Please be gentle as you know I can be sensitive when sober.


March 3/7 Guntersville Hwy 117 or Mudcreek Safelight - 3:00PM
April 4/4 Chickamauga HBSP Safelight - 3:00PM
April 4/25NickaJack MCP Safelight - 3:00PM
May 5/16 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3:00PM
June 6/5 Chickamauga Chester Frost Park *Friday Night 6PM - 12AM
July 7/18 NickaJack MCP Wildcard AM Dogfight SL-12PM
Aug 8/15 Chickamauga Chester Frost Park Wildcard PM Dogfight 6PM-MN
Sept 9/19 Chickamauga Chick Dam Safelight - 3:00PM
Oct 10/7NickaJack Sullivans Safelight - 1:00Pm

*Full moon

Thanks, Al

Billy or Brandon, please fix the format of this looked a lot better when I typed it. Thanks</p>
Looks great... I will head up the Guntersville Tournament.

Lets talk safety: How do we feel about launching at Mud? I know I won't be going out of it, but some will.
That 1 CFF we did, we had some stay in Mud and others go to the river..then blasted everyone off at a certain time. I say we draw for blast off out of there this round. Let each boat get a few green buoys down or up in the creek.
Looks like a pretty good layout to me Al. Im with Brandon and Billy as far as the safety goes. I would much rather draw numbers and file out one by one, personally.

I'd love to see a few more "short" Txs like the wildcard dogfight. But I guess those are the kind of events we can throw together at random. But all in all I am definitely in favor of that proposal. I think we should get some great turn-outs.

Is the Oct Nick Tx going to be a classic? Or will we have a season's end classic as well? If so, what will qualify someone to fish it?
As for as launching from Mud Creek, that is a small ramp and gets very congested on a normal day. I am sure we won't be the only TX out of there on the first weekend of March. I thought Hwy 117 worked great last year. It is a shorter drive from Chattown, has a big parking lot and makes for an easy blastoff. It is further from the so-called best fishing. My vote is Hwy 117.

Adam, we can make all the events in July, Aug, Sept, and Oct dogfights if everyone wants to, to allow time for heat, football, and bow season, etc. In looking back at the schedule, we would only have to shorten Sept.

Sept can be a tough month if the lake is starting to change bit. Maybe do the Dogfight hours there? Could be decent morning bites starting up on Chick.

I'd say a full Tx in Oct for sure. 3pm weighin??
Al, I tend to agree with you on the Hwy 117 Ramp. As last years money winners will tell you, the best bass aren't necessarily back in the creeks yet in February on Guntersville. I know my strategy will probably change.</p>

Ya'll remember how hectic the Mud Creek Ramp is on Saturdays, especially our CFF tourney you put on in 2007 Billy.</p>

Heck, I say we move it to Goose Pond to give me an advantage... heaven knows I need it!!!</p>
Although, the Mud Creek launch ramp is convenient, I too remember the congestion 2 years ago. I'm not fond of the run but I vote for the highway 117 ramp. Will there be a Classic? Also, I see where BPrice has volunteered to take the Guntersville tournament. Will there be individual TDs for each tournament?

Anyone else like to see the two night tournaments run till 2 a.m.?
Hwy 117 sounds good to me too.

I say we let Rob take the lead on posting the tournaments and we all just sorta fall in and do what we can. I dont think a set person has to run it so long as a few of us are there. Anyone else have scales? I still have mine so we're good to go there.
Here's a couple of thoughts regarding Tournament Directors and responsiblities of the committee:

Each tx could have two committee members be co-directors, to serve as "go to" guys for posting, sign-ups,etc. The remaining members would be involved as support, rules enterpretation, weigh-ins, or whatever the two TD's needed to be done to make each event run smoothly. This would allow us to know who was doing what and remain as a group effort. Just thoughts for discussion. Al
I like the variety of ramps utilized in the schedule. I think it opens up our lakes and will force some to fish outside stomping grounds and familiar water.

As for the G ... launching from the back of any of the creeks is asking for an accident in my opinion. The locals run those things wide open - coming and going - and all it would take is a little fog and very little daylight for a castrophe. Furthermore, there are lots of good spots from the ramp to the mouth, so some will set down in between and if the boat behind them has much mustard going, they'll be all over them before the coast is clear. I've whined about this before, but its only because I feel navigation in the creeks is unsafe. If you wanna open up a better portion of the lake to everyone, go from Jackson County Park and be done with it. You can line boats up 20-wide and runs balls-to-the-wall for the channel w/o incident.

Once we're solid on a schedule, I'll post to the masses if everyone on the committee is in agreement. Ok with all?

As for individual TDs ... I figured any members of the committee fishing a Tx will be JOINT TDs and we'll go from there. I'd hate for any one of us to have to turn someone away and then be painted as the a$$hole ... let's all be a$$holes together, eh? We're a committee ... we'll run these by committee. Everything is a group effort and decisions will be made by the group. We'll have to have some collecting $, some checking wells, some launching, some weighing, some paying-out, and at least one to bring the beer ... like I said ... a GROUP effort.

The Classic and the Points race ... let's discuss some more, but I feel this needs to be a seperate date, with different qualifications and a different (higher) entry. Fox Cay anyone???
I have scales Billy.
Jackson Co. park probably would be the best for the Gville tournament. Mud Creek will have 2-3 or more tournaments every weekend for the entire early spring period. I like going out of 117 too, but I guess I'll vote for Jackson Co.
I like the idea of everybody helping out wherever needed.
Schedule looks good Al.
Guys, I'm sorry for not coming to the meetings. Work has been getting in the way of ALL my favorite things to do this fall, drinking beer with you boneheads, fishing and family time. We are having to work on I-75 at the Ooltewa exit tom. night, so I cant make that one either.
I work at the plant, we will be making the Asphalt that they will be laying. The plants on Jersey Pike. The beer is tempting, however I guess I better stay there. Its going to be a long day, 6 am Thursday to some time early morning Friday I recon. Dont know how long its going to take.
Damn ... flip's a slave to the man. For the rest of us, lets try to meet up tomorrow and plan s'more. Six PM - Fox Cay. I'll be a few minutes late, but I'll arrive with bells on.