CFF supporter link in signature?

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2005
Soddy Daisy, TN
What's the deal with the new CFF Supporter image in a few peoples signatures? I clicked on it and I saw where it was around $80 a year but where does the money go to? Will it help out with the CFF Picnic or the Crackerfest 2009 event or any of the CFF events? I don't care to buy that image but if the money doesn't go to any of our events then what good does it do us? I may have missed the post about them, and if so then I am sorry.
Ok I must have missed the post, but it still doesn't say where the money will go to? Ever since First Light bought the CFF we have had ad's all over the site and I am sure they are not needing money. If all the money stays with the CFF then that is different, but I am guessing it doesn't.
First Light has, at times, given away gift certificates for tournaments. Send gifts to the picnic and pay for the use of Camp Columbus.

They have also agreed to pay for a CFF TX banner, In which I need a reference on! Plus they are making up 3 Trophies for the CFF Trail.

I do agree the cost of almost 7 bucks a month for a HTML right, seems a bit steep to me.
Somehow I got the supporter image in my signature but I didn't pay for it? If all the money stayed with the CFF and helped out with the Picnic, the Crackerfest or one of the other events we have on here then it would be different, but I am guessing that it won't stay here.

If you are able to get the supporter image in your signature for free, then what is the point in having it there at all? You are not a supporter if you don't pay.
I think its a courtesy thing first light is doing for people that don't have advertising in their signature. The people at first light expressed some concern that sponsors on some websites (not sure about CFF) have canceled their ads and just added a link in their signature for free. I'm not thrilled about the cost but what can you do? If CFF isn't profitable they won't necessarily keep us around and I hope CFF is here for a very long time to come
Hey guys.......

Remember the CFF stickers? We were offered 1 each - FREE emoToast

Normal cost is $2.99 each when bought at the Gear shop.

So far, those of us who received them,

were sent not 1..... but 3 FREE stickers. emoDance

Sponsor money well spent in my book. emoWorthy
Thats cool that it is a courtesy thing that they are doing, but how do you know who paid for the supporter image and who didn't? Just me personally but I think the new Supporter image clutters up the post too much.

WOW 1 free sticker. emoRolleyes I am all about free stuff but if we have to spend $80 to get a free sticker then I will pass. I would rather see the money go to help with some of the events that we have here.
Hello Sdfd504,
It looks like some of the questions have been addressed, so I was just going to follow up and clarify one of the items.

The CFF Supporter Bar is not directed at "standard uses" of the site (users who don't benefit from traffic to their own website or online business), we plan on activating all account requests that do not have links/advertisements in their posts free of any charge. That is why you got the image, anyone who replied to the Announcement post that they wanted to keep their signatures and didn't have a link in them was activated. We like to think that users who choose to use these forums without the opportunity for any personal financial gain are "supporters".

In regards to users with links in their signatures we are very confident we can deliver definitive value far beyond other forms of advertising for their roughly $7 a month cost. We are committed to delivering them value. We feel this is a very reasonable program. If we could find web sites with comparable traffic to CFF running this program we would happily pay for a similar service on those sites!
It is just me but I think the supporter image should be reserved for those members who purchase it, and not for the general membership. Me personally, I don't like the clutter that it has on the post, but I am sure some people will say the same about the pictures in the signatures.
Blake, I went into control panel and chose not to look at anybody's signatures or avatars. It makes it a lot easier for me to view the site when I'm traveling.
I still don't see the point in everybody having the CFF supporter image in their signatures? If you are a sponsor of the forums or have a business linked to your signature, then that is different, but for everybody to have the image is stupid in my opinion. The image should be reserved for paying members only.

Also I, like minner, call BS on them not wanting to make a profit. If that was true then why do they own and several other online forums. They are here to make a profit and this is just another way to do so. I am surprised they haven't started charging to few the forums, but I am sure that will come with time. If we could only go back to the good ol' days of it being a locally owned and operated site. :eek:
Sounds like you are looking for a reason to complain about firstlight Blake. I dont see what the big deal is? Like Beetlespin said, if you dont like looking at the thing then just go to your control panel and turn sigs off. Then you wont have to look at it
sdfd504 - 2/11/2009 6:37 AM What's the deal with the new CFF Supporter image in a few peoples signatures? I clicked on it and I saw where it was around $80 a year but where does the money go to? Will it help out with the CFF Picnic or <font color="#ff3300">the Crackerfest 2009 event</font> or any of the CFF events? I don't care to buy that image but if the money doesn't go to any of our events then what good does it do us? I may have missed the post about them, and if so then I am sorry.

Yes they did donate and help with CRACKFEST last year and it was greatly appreciated! Hopefuuly they will be able to help out again this year!</p>