Changed all the fuel lines on my motor today (pictures)

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
Calhoun GA
Well I strongly suggest that if you have 3+ year old fuel lines that you change them! This is the effect that fuel these days are doing to your fuel lines.. You can only Imagen what its doing to your seals in your motor. I used stabil all the time and quick clean by mercury marine an as you can tell the ethanol still did its business..


I was at a Bass Pro shop last October talking to one of their Mercury techs and he told me that about 65 percent of their repair work was ethanol related.
I read that outboard owners should use fuel lines rated for alcohol fuels. Supposedly, these hoses are designed to withstand the effects of alcohol. The question is: Where can I find it?
brushhog - 2/27/2011 9:19 AM

looks just like the one i took off from my bulb to the merc!!![/QU

how much difference did you notice in performance when you swapped the fuel line? What made you change it? I changed mine because it wasn't running the RPM's it was supposed to.. They kept gradually dropping alittle at a time..
just finished changing anything that looked like a fuel line from the tank to under the cowl.
Used 1/4" and 5/16" A1-15 hose. got the 1/4" from Universal Hose (ebay) and the 5/16" from wholesale marine.
Waiting on a bulb and a water separating filter to finish it off.

the hose is thick and for a noob like me was difficult to work with in tight spaces... after many cursewords and bloody knuckles I finally got it back together
Crizzel - 2/28/2011 12:26 AM

ive heard its not good to use a water seperator filter by numerous mechanics.. They say it restricks fuel flow..

I'm hearing that too. They make different size filters for more GPH. I have a '79 115HP Merc and I'm going to give the filter a try.. if it doesnt work out maybe someone else has a use for it. I chose one with a clear bowl and a drain, supposed to last longer that way.

wouldn't mind seeing some discussion on the topic. Some say you MUST have one for the impending E-10 future, while some say it's a bad idea.
If you're running a Merc Optimax, you already have an adequate filter under the cowl. Merc does not recommend adding any other in-line filters for these engines.
Remember guys you also have a short hose down in the tank and they do split open. need to change that also. As for running a fuel water separator they do not restrict fuel flow. I have tested both ways and it helps more then it restricts. The trash and water in the carbs are money makers for shop techs.

As for changing fuel lines that has been recommended for 50 years as far as I can remember.. With todays sorry fuel it is just more pronounced. Keep sea foam in the tank and it will help keep the system clean.

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