Chattanooga Fish N Fun CBA 9/9. What will it take?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2015
Haven't seen one of these posted in a while so I figured I'd give it a shot.

So what's it gonna take? The guys I talked to last week on the water and at the ramp were struggling to say the least but we've had a front come through and really brought the temps down. Will the cooler temps hurt or help? How about Irma, will it be close enough to get the big gals feeding up?
Either way I'm sure someone will get on them and make the rest of us feel bad, I just don't know who. I'm going to say 29.6lbs will bring it home.
I was waaaaaay off. I had a pretty good day last weekend with just over 18 lbs so I figured the usual big guns would pull out some heavy bags.
derek81 - 9/9/2017 10:51 PM

silvertalon - 9/8/2017 6:05 PM

No way- I say 19lbs will win and 14 makes a check. It really sucks out there!

You were almost dead on!

I fished Friday and had 3 bites with one over 7, a short and a keeper. Its been that way for me for 2 months now. All my best holes have dried up and usually have to cover tons of water to get a few bites. I've found them deep. can't get 'em to bite. They're feeding at night- plus the dry north wind shuts 'em down. I sat out this CBA. Maybe it will get better but not holding my breath.

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