Chattanooga Forgotton Child Fund TX results

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2006
The October crappie tournament for the Chattanooga Forgotton Child Fund was held today at Harrison Bay State Park. Seven boats signed up and blasted off this morning. It was a chilly, windy day for the tournament and the fishing was mixed. Some had success, while others struggled to find keeper sized fish.

First place went to Dixie Boy (Miller Robinson) and his partner who weighed in 10.2 lb, 7 fish limit. They also had big fish for the tx with a nice 1.76 lb slab crappie.

2nd place went to Mark (Soddy Blue) and partner with a nice bag weighing 9.2. Their big fish was 1.58.

3rd place went to M17glock and son. Another 7 fish limit of 7.14 lbs. 1.54 was their big fish.

4th place went to Polo-dog and his Dad, Thomas, with a 7 fish limit of 7.2. Big fish 1.12

5th place went to Steve Blackburn (Groomer1a) and wife with a 7 fish limit of 7.0 lbs. Big fish 1.58.

Thanks to all who participated and remember that the Toys for Tots Crappie tournament is in 3 weeks on November 7th. Registration at 5:30 - 6:15 AM. Blast off at 6:30 AM and weigh-in at 11:30 AM. Rules generally same as this tx.

For more info on the Toys for Tots crappie tx, contact Scott at [email protected] or 423-580-5444.

Congratulations to Dixie Boy for another tx win and for all who fished in less than ideal conditions.
It was great to fish today even though the conditions were bad. Most everyone had some really good fish. Congrats to the winners!
My partner & I had a good time too! Even if we had lost, it was still nice to meet new folks, and put some faces with the names! Having said that, we thought that 8 to 8.5 lbs would have been the winning weight, but WOW, that was not the case. I knew we had 3 TARP crappie in the well, but 10 lbs??? Also Mark with his 9 lbs, today was a good day of fishing!!! We caught 25 keepers, but we targeted big fish only. We left a couple spots after catching 3 or 4 10" to 12" fish, cause if we didn't get the big bite first off, we figured they either were not there, or were spooked from yanking out the little ones. I can say from experience that for me, 2 or 3 big 14"+ fish in a spot is about all your goina get. They didn't get that big for no reason. I think big fish spook very easily. Well enough of my rambling, thank you Scott for setting up the Tours, putting them on for good causes, and for not banning me from them!!!
WTG Dixie Boy and your partner good bag of fish. Brad and me shot docks in shallow water and had 4 good fish and 3 more that was just 12 inch fish. We had 35 to 40 keepers but not any big fish. I used yellow and white tubes and Brad was using BG Red Thunder he had our best fish on the BG. We had a great time and would like more of you crappie fishermen to come out and fish on November 7. emoToast
Great report DK. Congrats to all the fishermen that braved that wind. All of these guys could give the rest of us a clinic on crappie fishing. Good fishing for a good cause.

Regards, Norman
I just wanted to let everyone know that my wife and I had a great time fishing the TX. This was our first time. The wind to me was the only killer. It kept increasing as the day went on. It made it very hard to hold your place. I even had a hard time with an anchor down. I went down river and I think most everyone else went up river. I fish 4 different docks. We caught several that were keepers but not big enough to win the TX. I lost one right at the boat that I know would have kicked me up into 2nd or 3rd place. I am looking forward to the next TX in November. I listened to DK and some advice he was giving so now I have to practice some more. May be hard to do since I only have the weekend to fish but I will find out in Nov. It was really nice putting some faces with names. It seemed like the whole group was a great bunch of guys. I want to thank Scot for holding a TX for a great cause.