Chattanooga Mayor Helping Out at CBA

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Thats pretty awesome man! Congrats to CBA for the success they have had over the years. I know many people have much respect for the guys who compete in the league and only hope its gets better over the years. It takes a lot to be as organized and community oriented as the CBA and I know the community appreciates all the guys who make the CBA what it is. CBA is more than just Chattanooga, the whole Tri-State area is associated in some way. Nice job guys and gals! emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup
FishinMagician - 8/6/2008 11:37 PM

You are to modest Richard. We appreciate everything you have done over the years to help with posting the results and articles about the C.B.A.

Thanks... apparently you weren't around back in the day when a gang of the CBA Elite marched into the Times Sports Editor's office with a desire to lynch me over something I'd written about the CBA. emoBigsmile

I'd written a column about a splinter group who tried to start up a bass tourney circuit in direct competition with CBA... I can't remember details. I just remember my editor sharing details of the CBA visit with a look that could best be described as "wide-eyed terror."

BTW, the "splinter group" didn't last but 2 or 3 years. Obviously CBA prevailed.
Chattanooga needs to get involved in getting some of the big catfish tournaments hosted there. They have one of the best opportunities around. It's perfectly set up for one just like Memphis.

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