Cheap and local place to bag some does?

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Jun 5, 2005
OK, last pack of deer burger was tonights meatloaf. With school and work, I have very little time to sit in the tree and gotta keep it cheap. I could care less about horns...just need some meat for the freezer. This is my first year as a TN resident and I'm not familiar with the area hunting. Are there any places around here to hunt for little to nothing where I might be able to bag a couple mature does?
Doesn't look too good for you at this late date in the season. There are no open doe days in unit A (this area near Hamilton Co.) The only operatunities that I know of will be on the black powder and Bow hunts yet to open. The only thing that I know to tell you is to go west to Unit L where you can take Does. Get youyrself a TN Hunting Manual and study it.</p>

Earlier in the year,you could have applied for special season Doe permits in certain counties.</p>

You may now have to depend on some generous soul to donate a deer to you. If I knew this a few days ago I could have taken some big fat does for you. I did not fill my permits for does in Van Buren Co. by choice.</p>
LL is right, your best and cheapest chance for a doe is the "Non-quota" doe hunts durring the first part of the second segment of rifle in Hamilton County. There is public land in the Birchwood area, which I think you are familiar with, as well as other "secret" but completely legal areas around the lake. Good luck! BTW- you have to have a type 94 tag in your pocket to shoot the does if you dont have the sportsmans.
Jason I'll be in the woods quite a bit between now and New Years. If I can I'll hook you up I know it isn't as good as killing your own but next year you'll have it all worked out. I know a guy at work with a lease on Etna Mtn that says he can get you on since he knows who you are from fishing. He may be able to help you next year. Good luck!
Fishheadspin - 12/4/2009 12:17 PM Drive down 58 there are always several laying around !

Now I had that idea at first. "Road Kill" but he mentioned Cheap.. Depending on your vehicle you could bag you a couple fat does with your grill. Legally.emoLaugh </p>

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