Chesterfrost dogfight 12-16

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2006
Harrison Tn.
We fished the Chesterfrost dogfight on Sat. So we got out around 8:00 & man was the fog thick. We were going to run up river but had to wait for the fog to clear first. We first started on a small flat right off of the river in about 3-6 ft. of water. Got one on my first cast in some brush but you know what happened then. I got hung up in some brush bringing him back to the boat & before I could get back to him he broke off. UGGG!!! Well here we go, then two or three cast later my partner has one on but just a small 12-13 inch bass. We were in 3-6 ft. of water He was throwing a brown hair jig & I was throwin a Char. grub. About 45 min. later up river about 3/4 of a mile BAM my partner has a good solid keeper off of a small rocky point, on the hair jig 16.5 inch. 2.5lbs. Next cast my partner breaks off a good solid 3lb. on a keeper on a hair jig. Got to check your line after every fish. The fog lifts & we decide to stay down river & fish some areas we know down here. 2 more keepers in the same kind of water 3-7 ft. flats on a jerk bait & hair jig. The fish seemed to hit the grub & jig & let go realy quick this morn. & I talked to a friend who got them in 20-30 ft. of water up river. Our final weight 6.97lbs for 3 fish man did those 2 lost fish hurt! So after a realy slow week, the warming temps. seemed to have perked them up some. Fa, Madbomber you better get them while the getting is goodemoThumbsup . PS It took 16.5lbs to win the dogfight & the winner had a good loking 5.8 smallmouth 2nd.14.5 3rd.12.5.emoToast Good morn. to be on the water.
Good report, Steve. Too bad about the keepers breaking off. That happens sometimes even though you do keep a close eye on the line. You day you will hit the mother lode and win one of these things.emoGeezer
16.5 lbs is very good for this time of year!emoWorthy Any idea where and what they were using? One reason I never like fishing those Txs is you never or hardly ever learn anything. You get your butt kicked and most of the time never learn how they did it. Too much focus on winning and none on sharing of how to do better to catch fish yourself. That is one of the reasons I like ours better.emoBigsmile Jmax
No idea, but with the small mouth my guess is down river on deep points. Where I thought about, but it's hard to leave fish to find fish. There was another good smallmouth, but I was dumping our fish back in while he was weighing it in. We had 14 boats I beleave & Gary paid out three places.
<font color="#6600ff">To be truthful, I ain't had time....seems as if my days are consumed with running a taxi service, ambulance service, baby sitting and caregiving...hopefully, that is going to slow down somewhat... 2jigs, all I can say is you need to catch more fish if you want to win some money....and that's all I have to say about that....
Fat Albert - 12/17/2006 10:57 PM <font color="#6600ff">2jigs, all I can say is you need to catch more fish if you want to win some money....and that's all I have to say about that....

Dang, that was could have coated it with a little more sugar
. </p>

jason - 12/19/2006 11:36 PM

Fat Albert - 12/17/2006 10:57 PM <font color="#6600ff">2jigs, all I can say is you need to catch more fish if you want to win some money....and that's all I have to say about that....

Dang, that was could have coated it with a little more sugar
. </p>

<font color="#6600ff">Nah,  he understands that kind of talk.. putting sugar on it, he would think I didn't love him anymore....

Jmax - 12/17/2006 10:33 AM
One reason I never like fishing those Txs is you never or hardly ever learn anything. You get your butt kicked and most of the time never learn how they did it. Too much focus on winning and none on sharing of how to do better to catch fish yourself. That is one of the reasons I like ours better.emoBigsmile Jmax

Well said Jmax! You may not win a huge load of cash from CFF events but you can always win some new friends and acquire some useful information to ultimately become a better angler. I am still amazed at the caliber and talent of anglers on CFF. Not only are Chattanooga anglers some of the finest folks you would ever want to meet, but the collective knowledge and wealth of experience that they have shared is amazing!

I think that tight lips are fine if that's your strategy and can certainly understand it if Major $$ and time investments are threatened, but you will also get deaf ears in return not learning a lot from other anglers. I was thinking today of all that I have learned thus far from CFF reports and the numerous members I have fished greatly outweighs any secret fishing holes or patterns that I have shared. At times I figured I may divulge too much info in my posts, but if anything my fishing (and knowledge of conservation) has improved - I still catch fish on my favorite spots and release them for the next time I have a chance to get out.
I agree with David. I try to post good detailed reports and even include picks of what bait I used (which I wish more people would do as sometimes I have no idea what bait they are talking about). Secret holes are a fantasy as I guaranttee you every square inch of the Riverpark and Chick has been fished. And like Rick Clunn said secret holes evaporate over time due to changes in the lake and fishing pressure. More important than secret holes is the knowledge of how to find and catch fish which is a big part of what is shared at our tournys and on the forum. We fish behind boats all the time going down the Chattanooga Golf and Country Club bank and catch plenty of fish behind them. The golf course bank is no secrect, but knowing how to find and catch the fish is. I fish for fun and I like sharing what I know with others and getting some knowledge in return. I guess that explains why I don't do good in our tournys. I fish to catch fish, not to catch 5 keepers.

Now if only we had a 11-12" slot limit spot tourny.emoBigsmile
For myself, it just adds alittle to it when you win $300.00-$400.00 if you just happen to get into them. And I can fish a dogfight every weekend & still fish the CFFs tournys with my buddys. The dogfights are actualy cheaper at $25.00 a boat. And alot of the guys in them share info if you have known them a while. I have caught fish localy before & have guys out run you to your spot, or there is someone already there fishing. The Chick. is bad about the bent pole pattern. & to me that is why more guy don't share info with other people these days. You go out & spend days & weeks finding fish, you come back one Thurs. eve., or Sat morn. & there is 3 boats sitting where you were catching fish 2 days ago. The mentality of fishermen has changed for the worst over the past 5-10 years & alot of guys say so. I think thats why I like the CFF so much. Most everyone I've meet & fished with on here seems nice & friendly. I can see where someone might get a bad taste from dogfights. But for me it just adds to it when you've got a 4 or 5 pounder comming to the boat & you know he could be worth a tank of gas if you get him in the boat.emoHoppingmad Now LETS GO FISHING!!!
The more you give the more you get. You are not here to just benefit yourself but to have an effect on others that you come in contact with. The more you pour into others the more others will pour into you. The simple math that's associated with that statement , means that all stand to gain when you share.
I will add an amen to that too, Biofisher. If you expect to reap, then you have to sow. That is a principle that a lot of fishermen don't understand. I'm talking about folks outside of CFF. emoGeezer

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