Chick 12/14

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
Ringgold Ga.
Me and my fishing buddy, we'll refer to him as "the backseat banger" went to the chick today. We put in at HBSP around 7:00 am and couldn't see fifty foot in front of us. The fog didn't move out until about 11:30. The water temp. was 49 degrees and looked to be about 6 to 8 in. lower. We caught five bass-2 sm, 1 lm, & 2 spots. Only two keepers, sm & spot both about 1 3/4. We caught them on green worm, jerk bait, and green jig around rocky points. The backseat banger did have big fish, a ten lb. drum, and he also had the weird catch of the day, a rod that had been under for a few years. Over all we had a good time outside of the fog.
<font color="#6600ff">Dang, nighthawk, I was hoping that you all had really slayed them but I guess you were hampered by fog and water temp.  but dang, a drum, 5 bass and a slimy, slick rod .. it just don't get any better than that...
One other thing I forgot, we fished down the rip-rap at the Wolftevere bridge and boy did we get the looks. emoAngry After the "Attention" post I have to becareful, you see I'm in a red Triton, but without dogs. I think, but not sure, we saw a man behind a rock with a bush on his head holding a camera. emoBigsmile
Nighthawk you were right about the fog. It was really bad. We were out there in a blue Tracker fishing around the bridge. We were on alert with the camera phone in case the wake breaker showed up! Didn't catch many fish though.emoBawl

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