I hit the water about 4pm, launched at Soddy Lake/Pond went back towards main river first hr or so couldnt find a fish or at least none that liked waht i was throwing.. water was stained.. so I tied on one of my custom made lures in a purple/green shad, and 4th cast afterwards , found 4 spots back to back, nothing big, but as I reached the area right b4 the first Marina ..the fish came faster .. caught a total of 24 bass = 7 spots and 17 LM , and one yellow stripe one spot was 14" and the rest where 10-13, all the LM where 12 + one 2lb, and one 2 -12, the 2-12 I took picture of lost one at boat barely hooked that was about 4. All fish caught in 3 -6 feet water. fished about 4 hrs good eve on the water. emoSmile 2-12 pic and pic of my crankbait included