yesterday evening Chris and I went out to see if we could find some night fish for a tourney we have Friday night. We put in around 8:00. Chris took me to school last night! He caught 3 nice keepers in his first 5 casts with a DD. It was on a spot the fish have not been on yet this year. We left those fish and moved to another mid-depth hump and he caught 2 more real nice fish on the CB. I was fishing with a c-rig and managed 3 short fish Chris caught 2 more shorts and that was it! We had probably 14lbs by 9:45 but could not get a bite after 10:00 not even a short fish. All Keepers caught on DD on deep humps. The highlight of the night came about 11:00. The wind had blown the bow of the boat accross my line and as i was trying to pull it away, Chris stepped on the t-motor and got my line. he poped the motor up and was clearing the line when the trolling motor decided it wanted back in the water. It knocked him in the lake head first with a head lamp on! He came up out of the water spitting, gurgling, and laughing at the same time. We laughed sooo hard that Chris had to sit in the lake a minute before he had the strength to get in the boat. I wish I had it on film! We went home about 12:00am.