Did my thing for Sunday morning, went to church and had a great time. Went to Ol' Charlies afterwards and had their Sunday special on Prime Rib and boy that was goooood.emoTongue Wife wanted to buy some work at Lowes and Home Depot so we went there next and got some plants. Finaly headed home about 2. When we got home she decided since it looked like rain to not do anything that afternoon. I was torn between Braves baseball and heading out on the lake. Watch the games for a few and the score was 4 to 0 Braves favor.emoParty I couldn't stand it anymore,"Honey since you are taking it easy for the rest of the afternoon I think I'll head to the lake and go fishing."emoSmile With that I was gone.
Got there about 3 and headed for the worm bite on points. They were still stacked on them. Caught about 20 on points and saw a boat on the other side of WT trolling my way. As I watched I notice they were casting to the bank and watching me. I put another one in the boat and they couldn't stand it. "What's ya using!" they shouted. "Worm", I replied. They started hitting the bank with even more energy. After about ten minutes I just could not take it anymore. "You got a worm on?","Yes", "Pull out from the bank and in front of you there is a sunk'en tree in about 14 feet. Cast straight in front of the boat and you should get a fish." They didn't say a thing but they did it. I watch as the guy in the back said I can feel the tree to the guy in the front. Suddenly the guy in the back sets the hook and up comes one about three and the guy in the front nets it. They both looked at me with big smiles and holds the fish up for me to see."O.K. now you know how to do it. You are too close to the bank and your boat is about where you should be casting." I coached them for about the next hour and they boated about 10 bass. I told them I would send them my bill later.emoLaugh
I moved down to the next spot and caught a couple more. Right as I was getting ready to move again here comes the two guys. They pulled up within shouting distance and told me they were leaving and thanked me for the leasons and help. Made my day.emoThumbsup
I went shallow after that and started fishing wood and rock in shallow water. I was using my ol' stand by, six inch chartruse tail pumkinseed worm and seemd like every structure I hit had a fish on it. Had two nice threes come off a rock pile in about four feet. It was raining and about 6:30 so I headed for my buzz bait bite. Went out to the main lake and found my grass I have been doing so well on. The water was down and the grass you can now see real well. Right off I had a real big one hit and and miss it. Tried a bunch to get it to hit again but no go. I moved in to the flat and no takers. I worked that whole area and only had one on a buzz and one on a puppy. Both were about 14 inches. I think they had gone deep with the water dropping. I moved out to the first drop and started fishing my worm. About seven fish later I decided I was right. It was really coming down and getting dark earlier than normal due to the rain clouds so I decided to head home. It was about 8:30 and I had had a great afternoon/evening of fishing. I caught about 60 to 70 bass and had eight or nine keepers. Best five would have gone somewhere around 13 to 14 pounds.emoBigsmile
See ya on the water.emoCool Jmax
Got there about 3 and headed for the worm bite on points. They were still stacked on them. Caught about 20 on points and saw a boat on the other side of WT trolling my way. As I watched I notice they were casting to the bank and watching me. I put another one in the boat and they couldn't stand it. "What's ya using!" they shouted. "Worm", I replied. They started hitting the bank with even more energy. After about ten minutes I just could not take it anymore. "You got a worm on?","Yes", "Pull out from the bank and in front of you there is a sunk'en tree in about 14 feet. Cast straight in front of the boat and you should get a fish." They didn't say a thing but they did it. I watch as the guy in the back said I can feel the tree to the guy in the front. Suddenly the guy in the back sets the hook and up comes one about three and the guy in the front nets it. They both looked at me with big smiles and holds the fish up for me to see."O.K. now you know how to do it. You are too close to the bank and your boat is about where you should be casting." I coached them for about the next hour and they boated about 10 bass. I told them I would send them my bill later.emoLaugh
I moved down to the next spot and caught a couple more. Right as I was getting ready to move again here comes the two guys. They pulled up within shouting distance and told me they were leaving and thanked me for the leasons and help. Made my day.emoThumbsup
I went shallow after that and started fishing wood and rock in shallow water. I was using my ol' stand by, six inch chartruse tail pumkinseed worm and seemd like every structure I hit had a fish on it. Had two nice threes come off a rock pile in about four feet. It was raining and about 6:30 so I headed for my buzz bait bite. Went out to the main lake and found my grass I have been doing so well on. The water was down and the grass you can now see real well. Right off I had a real big one hit and and miss it. Tried a bunch to get it to hit again but no go. I moved in to the flat and no takers. I worked that whole area and only had one on a buzz and one on a puppy. Both were about 14 inches. I think they had gone deep with the water dropping. I moved out to the first drop and started fishing my worm. About seven fish later I decided I was right. It was really coming down and getting dark earlier than normal due to the rain clouds so I decided to head home. It was about 8:30 and I had had a great afternoon/evening of fishing. I caught about 60 to 70 bass and had eight or nine keepers. Best five would have gone somewhere around 13 to 14 pounds.emoBigsmile
See ya on the water.emoCool Jmax