Chick, crappie, crappie and oh yea crappie. 6/04/06

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Feb 5, 2023
Got up this morning to go to church and the wife did not feel well and had not slept much all night, my son was spending the night over at a friends house, and I decided I was going to be a good husband and get out of the house as not to bother the wife.;) You guessed it I went fishing. It was so late I missed the early morning sunrise bite but started off that way anyways with the spook Jr. Right off caught a 4 lber on it that was suspended in about 15 feet under some shad schools. The clouds and cool breeze made it a great morning to be out. I started working dock and rocks in 3 to 12 feet and managed about 12 more with two of them keepers about 2 and a half each. I was working an area with a little current and saw what I thought was bass come up and could not get a bite. They came up again and it was crappie.emoEek
I tied on two 1/16th oz jigs, one yellow and one hot pink and there for a while I was getting a hit on every cast.emoWorthy I am not kidding I must have caught 30 crappie in an area no bigger than my yard. Several were nice ones. They finally slowed up and stopped there so I went back to bass fishing and moved to some back water sloughs. I no sooner got there when out in the middle I saw the same thing again. Schooling Crappie were hitting the surface. I went out there and caught the heck out of them there as well. I trolled around out there in that flat for about three hours and managed I bet another 30 crappie. I would cast out the double jig rig and let it go to the bottom. It was only about six feet deep so it didn't take long, than I would just pump them back to the boat very slowly and wham! a crappie would smack it. I haven't had that much fun in a while on crappie. About two oclock they finally stopped and I went home with a nice big mess of slabs.emoBigsmile Going to be some good eat'en rite dare.emoTongue Jmax
that-a-baby. I was wondering ??? since you did not go to church, did you spend some time in prayer thanking the Good Lord for his blessings... cause it sounds as if He let you have a great day on the water with HIM..... I bet you had loads of fun and that is a good thing...emoAngel
How's the wife???
emoHeart emoGeezer
I always thank the Lord when I am outdoors enjoying what he has created.emoAngel Even the bad days I am thankful to be able to be out and you have got to take the good with the bad. Got to admit it is easier to be thankful when you can catch them like that. Got up this morning wanting to go back. I was wondering if those crappie were schooling on fry. Little schools of what looked like fry all over and the crappie were in full force after them. I hope those were not bass fry because if they were, they were doing some kind of hitting them. It looked like whites busting but I knew it was too shallow for them there. If you are out keep your eyes peeled for busting and boils of smaller fish with a couple small jigs tried on. I tie mine about 12 to 15 inches apart and use two colors normally to give them a choice. I also use two to have the weight to cast since I use a lightwieght bait caster with twelve lb test.emoSmile I think it slows the fall and causes it to stay up better on a slow retrieve. I never did all that well this year early, I missed them, but that made up for it.

Wife is fine and back to normal. We had wroked in the yard and her head got totally stopped up, maybe something in the air. Caused her to have a bad headach all night. Thanks for asking.emoCool Jmax
Summertime crappie... something I've never figured out. emoScratch I sure could use some "schoolin'" from you and Drumking. That's neat... thanks for info. At least I know it can be done.
rsimms - 6/5/2006 8:55 AM

Summertime crappie... something I've never figured out. emoScratch I sure could use some "schoolin'" from you and Drumking. That's neat... thanks for info. At least I know it can be done.

I'm going in the morning for 2 to 4 hours Richard if you want to go.emoAngel
drumking - 6/5/2006 11:17 PM

rsimms - 6/5/2006 8:55 AM

Summertime crappie... something I've never figured out. emoScratch I sure could use some "schoolin'" from you and Drumking. That's neat... thanks for info. At least I know it can be done.

I'm going in the morning for 2 to 4 hours Richard if you want to go.emoAngel

Thanks for the offer. Got to worry about the real job however. Although I am about to sneak below the Dam for an hour or so before work. But I'd like to take you up on that offer this weekend or next. I'm trying not to book any trips. I don't want to be on the river (below the dam) during Riverbend. emoEnforce
rsimms - 6/6/2006 4:23 AM

drumking - 6/5/2006 11:17 PM

rsimms - 6/5/2006 8:55 AM

Summertime crappie... something I've never figured out. emoScratch I sure could use some "schoolin'" from you and Drumking. That's neat... thanks for info. At least I know it can be done.

You can PM me. I plan to be home both weekends, so I'll be flexible.

I'm going in the morning for 2 to 4 hours Richard if you want to go.emoAngel

Thanks for the offer. Got to worry about the real job however. Although I am about to sneak below the Dam for an hour or so before work. But I'd like to take you up on that offer this weekend or next. I'm trying not to book any trips. I don't want to be on the river (below the dam) during Riverbend. emoEnforce
lbuck30 - 6/5/2006 10:49 PM

Any pictures of the crappie sounds like some hot action I love it when you catch EM fast like that.

Nope no pictures, I tried forever to get some before off of my cell to go onto the Forum and could not get them to go on my computor. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to that and have been accused of being a couple frenchfries short of a "Happy Meal" so I am not the one you want to have posting pictures.emoTongue The only ones I ever got on here was done by tarheel and Dhaun so I gave up some time ago. The other thing I don't like about pictures is trying to find a place to take them where you don't give away where you are. I would not want to go back and find 500 forum members smiling at me. The first place I found them you could have reached from the bank, I thought of TT right off and thought if she only was here. emoRolleyes Jmax
Jmax you really have to be careful of pictures on here! I think if Osama bin Laden was in a fishing pic he'd have already been caught by someone off the forum if he gave away any background scenery! Old timers know better than to give away too much in a pic! I love seeing some of the new folks post pics. They just don't know what kind of memory we have about landmarks!
emoUpsmile emoBigsmile I hear ya! Put me in some of these downtown areas and I'd be lost for days. But show me a stump on the lake and I bet I might say,"I know where that stump is."emoLaugh I really do think I have selective memory. These folks that show a house in the background might as well have a neon sign out that says,"This is the spot!", of course I will tell you I thought if I ever did find a way to post a picture I might just put them in the live well for a ride and than when I got to a place that really stunk, pull them out and take the pciture there. Now that would screw some folks up.emoLaugh emoLaugh Jmax
hmmmmm ... are fishing holes really THAT special that you would feel compelled to deceive your fellow forum bud???? The one who would drop whatever they were doing to come to your aide if you asked??? The same fishing bud that would lend you his shirt off his back if you needed it??? That fishing forum friend that checks on you when you are MIA longer than you should be ... and sends prayers up with your name in them when asked??? You all would feel comfortable deceiving that forum buddy???

Geez ... boys are smart! I never would have thought of taking the fish off to has his picture taken at a fake fishing location!!!


I can't imagine. I always have very noticable landmarks in my pictures, as well as, the exact bait still in the fishes mouths.

Shucks, I even tell Perchjerker that the fish come from his holes.

Corn dogs anyone?
On the pics thats why you wait until you get home and lay them out like me and sm7mag. Crappie always looks better on the plate anyway that 's were I like to see them...
As a newbie I never thought about "hiding" my fishing spot. I fished for many years out of Walker's Cay, Bahamas and we were always on the radio telling each other where the fish where. Private boat owners and charter boat Captains alike. I have always shared my spots and techniques and will keep on doing so in order for everyone to enjoy fishing. On my fisrst post I mentioned my wife landing a 50 lb. catfish. She caught it in 15 ft. of water next to the bluff opposite Sale Creek. She used a 1 in. chunk of chicken hotdog that a forum member suggested was a great bait. If your interested, the fish is probably still there as it was only lip hooked and swam away when released.emoSmile

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