Chick "QBM Program" 7-11

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Mar 1, 2006
Chris and I hit the lake today at about 7pm and decided to try down river. The current was moving pretty good, and our first stop on a main river ledge produced nothing. Saw some breaking fish close, eased over and caught 1 slick on a c-rig. Went down a bit more and fished another pocket that produced 1 more slick. We were about to head back up and decided to try this one particular hump. tops out at 10 and drops to 20+. After drifting around for a while Chris missed a good fish and we tossed a marker bouy. We began catching some decent 14.5" fish and heading along the break keeping the boat in 20ft. 80 yards past the buoy we really got into them, We had some awsome action on CBs and we were letting some of the fish throw the bait on purpose b/c we have the dog fight Thurs. Anyway, we got into some really solid fish that were stacked on this structure and had several in the boat over 3lbs. We lost count but had well over 10 keepers in the boat, and hooked 30+ fish. We both lost a couple of fish that would go 4+. Thats where QBM came in. Normally we leave as soon as we see a solid pattern developing a few days before a Tx. But tonight we decided to practice "Quality Bass Mangment" This term has come about because I had my head in the rod locker retying and heard a good splash of a fishing throwing the CB, and I said, "what happened man". He replied, " Ah, I just let that one walk." He was serious and kept fishing. Once he realized what he said we got a good laugh! Other than that the highlight of the evening was Chris having 2 real nice fish on the same crank bait at once. One got off at the boat the other is in the pic below. Best 5 in the boat would have pushed 16lbs. All keepers came on CBs, C-rigs, and DJW double willow SB. Best evening on Chick in a while!
Churley, it looks like you guys really got on some good fish today. Congrats. I like the QBM idea. When you fish the tourneys you have to be QBM saavy I guess. I guess I tend to use NBM or "numbers of bass management" as I usually am just looking to stretch my line.
The term I like to use is "LDR". This is when you loose one,...ahhhh, I mean let one get off and it is a "Long Distance Release".emoBigsmile Of course the ones that are LDR are ususally the biggest fish of the day.emoRolleyes Jmax
Glad to see that deep bite finally turning on for you Churls. What IS up with Chris? Has he gone to the "Bprice School of Catch-A-Toad-and-Look-Intimadating?" emoLaugh
nice fish however, it sure would be a better picture if he would just smile a little bit.... it doesn't take any more effort to smile.... Churly, tell him to say cheeesse next time. LOL emoGeezer emoUpsmile
beetlespin - 7/12/2006 8:27 AM

How come Chris looks so mad all of the time? If I caught that fish I would at least smile???

emoLaugh emoBigsmile emoUpsmile

What are you talking about? He's the meanest SOB on the lake! I'm bringing his little stumpy, hair-lipped butt down to the Gunny Hole this weekend, and he is gonna intimidate every keeper bass into the boat with that grimmace!

JK! emoBigsmile I dont know what his deal is but I have a ton of hunting and fishing pics where he's muggin the camera. trust me he was anything but mad!
beetlespin ,,,,there is no hope of you ever catching a fish that big...not a catfish , drum, paddlebill, sturgeon...nothing.
Gosh sounds like you all had the kinda day a girl dreams of ... (sigh)!

What a nice fish and I was thinking the picture didn't make Chris look mad .. but was smileless because of the chunk of chew in his cheek! :) Well at least that's what it looks like to me!!! Better to keep your mouth sealed tight least you smile and get tabacco spit running down your chin!!!

That's one of the main reasons I don't chew .. I hate to smile and have tabacco spit running down my chin! emoLaugh

Very nice report and good luck to you all on Thursday! Hope those fish are still hanging for ya.

TennesseeTalker - 7/12/2006 9:43 AM

Gosh sounds like you all had the kinda day a girl dreams of ... (sigh)!

What a nice fish and I was thinking the picture didn't make Chris look mad .. but was smileless because of the chunk of chew in his cheek! :) Well at least that's what it looks like to me!!! Better to keep your mouth sealed tight least you smile and get tabacco spit running down your chin!!!

That's one of the main reasons I don't chew .. I hate to smile and have tabacco spit running down my chin! emoLaugh

Very nice report and good luck to you all on Thursday! Hope those fish are still hanging for ya.


Oh thats not even a big chew TT. I have a picture of him with his first turkey years ago, and he has so much of that stuff in his jaw it looks like he got stung by a bee in the mouth!emoLaugh

Many times when we have stumbled on good fish, we leave them for a Tx and come back and they are gone. Thats why we stayed and practiced "QBM". Plus the Thursday night dog-fight is being overshadowed by our excitment about this weekend's event on the G.

Cory Nichols, I guess that was you we passed yesterday evening, I did not realize that was you until we got past ya. How'd you do?
Fishheadspin, How can i catch any fish with my partners seining them out before i get a chance? You and Johnny are just that good!
Ladies and Gents,

The "Bprice School of Catch-A-Toad-and-Look-Intimadating" will be open for business at 2:45 CST at Jackson County Park. Bring pen and paper, and get pissed about something!

emoLaugh emoLaugh
Dang Churly, sounds like a great night. Now, exactly where were you guys fishing? LOL. I probably won't make that dogfight tomorrow. I'm going to Gville in the am and have to show houses that evening. Good luck, I hope you guys crush them.