Me and my buddy jeff put in at skull isl. at 5:30 this morning. We fished from around 7 till 3:30. We caught 50 crappie with 30 keepers. Also we caught 6 spots, 12 bluegill,1 largemouth, 3 smallmouth,3 yellow perch, and 1 warmouth. We had our raingear but that downpour at 3pm was rough. Most were caught with slip floats and tuffies and med shiners. We fished structure from 5 ft down to 12 ft.. The water temp was 50 at sunrise below the discharge and 49 above it. Some were caught on 1/32 oz yellow red yellow tube jigs. The few that hit those hit them on the drop or just lower them and hold the rod still. Jeff caught a crappie that had a black stripe front to back on top between its eyes and a short stripe under its chin. Total weight for the 30 crappie was 25 1/2 lbs.