Chick Ramps - Safety

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
I recently moved to Georgetown and wanted to now about safe ramps. Not referring to water level, but safe to leave my truck with the least opportunity for break-in. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Chester Frost park, Chickamauga dam site, Soddy Daisy boat ramp at holly circle, and Dayton boat ramp (the big one in town... I cant remember the exact name). Those are the only ones I will use. I would say Chickamauga has the best ramps in regards to break-ins. The Boat ramps on Nickajack are a different story.
You will have to pay a fee, but no worries at the ramp at Grasshopper creek.
I've used every ramp on Nick a jack for over 30 years from the dam ramp all the way down to Shellmound and I've never had my vehicle messed with. Maybe I'm just lucky.

I've never had any issues at the hwy 58 ramp on the hiwassee river either. Should be ok there as well
I was recently warned about thieves targeting tail gates. It was at Chester Frost but could be anywhere. Tail gates with all their workings are high dollar items and if they lock, they generally use the same key as doors and ignition. If the thief had a key made, I guess he could come back later for your truck, depending on how anti theft your truck is. I have the GM passkey or whatever it is and the to my knowledge, the only person it's ever kept from starting my truck, is me and on several occasions.

KYR: we don't have chronic break in issues at the ramps around here but probably happens on occasion. If you use common sense, like not leaving your wallet or gun where somebody walking by could see it, you should be ok. I think to a thief, a person with a boat looks like a person that carries a gun, so they choose softer targets. Catch and release applies to fish only