Chickamauaga Dam Fish or snag ? 3/3/2007

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Dec 27, 2006
Today below the Chick dam using medium light tackle with 12lbs line I was fishing for some cats, with nightcrawlers and 3 oz of lead. On my 3ed or 4th cast the current took my bait to the boil. Next thing I now it feels like I am snaged and then I tried to pull it loose and it felt like it moved. There was no typical thrashing just like a huge fish that I could not move! I wound up fighting the snag or fish for 5 to 10 min. with it all ending when I was able to get some line with a good pull and then just the current. Do you think I had a huge fish or current and a snag? Have a great day GOD BLESS B.C.
RE: Fish or snag ?

I run into scenarios like that with clients every now and then. I always tell them that "the only person who MIGHT know what's on the end of the line is the person holding the fishing pole."
Richard I think you are correct but after fighting that snag for all those mins. I am not sure. Thanks for the reply. GOD BLESS B.C.:)
I have seen that happen many times. You can gain some line on it and then it will take it back. I have watched folks fight "It" for hours and it always wins. It will never take off and run down the river no matter how hard you pull at it. Some say that "It" is one of those mythical monster cats as big as a VW Beetle lying down on the bottom sucking in food. I say that "It" is a cable or rope that has gathered so much of a mass of mono over the years that "It" has become massive in size. The current flow changes cause it to move around and pull as if it is a hugh tugging fish. It is no more than what I call "The Cable Tuna" Sorry. I know that "It" has created some great fish tales over the years.
I remember fighting a snag once on the Kenai River in Alaska for several minutes. I think sometimes you want it to be a fish so bad you tell yourself it was a fish. Personally I think it's more fun pretending I had a world record on the line than facing reality that I was pulling a huge limb up and down in the water.
that happened to us last weekend. i decided to hit the locks with a jig/ jig head worm before we pulled out of the chick. my partner was on the phone w/ pointer78 not really paying attention, then i hear em say hold the phone, get the net, tell him i'll call him back, etc.... so im like, dang man thats a lot of orders in a short period of time. lol ... so i told pointer78 we'd call him back while i was tripping over stuff trying to get the net. we finally get situated, and he says "it got off". we both said a few words, knowing it was a huge fish, he pulled his line in and about 3 ft. up his line was catfish slime. so, thats our story, hope you guys enjoyed it! emoLaugh
Liveliner - 3/4/2007 12:44 AM

I have seen that happen many times. You can gain some line on it and then it will take it back. I have watched folks fight "It" for hours and it always wins. It will never take off and run down the river no matter how hard you pull at it. Some say that "It" is one of those mythical monster cats as big as a VW Beetle lying down on the bottom sucking in food. I say that "It" is a cable or rope that has gathered so much of a mass of mono over the years that "It" has become massive in size. The current flow changes cause it to move around and pull as if it is a hugh tugging fish. It is no more than what I call "The Cable Tuna" Sorry. I know that "It" has created some great fish tales over the years.

I guess that is the difference between seeing the "glass half full or half empty"emoPoke I see it as "half full" and I say " it was the VW Beetle!!!!