Well-known member
What a beautiful evening to be on the water!!!!! After working and being out of town for the last several weeks, I unexpectedly found an opening to fish for a few hours Sunday after church. I put in about 2:30 pm and decided to visit a couple of sloughs that I used to fish a lot but hadn't visited in about 5 years. One slough used to be real good to me this time of year with schooling fish and after putting in at HBSP and making the run, I was amazed to find real millfoil, just like on Guntersville. I don't mean just a little, but a lot!!!!! It was growing in about 6 foot of water and the minnows were in it thick. I thought, now this would be an awesome place to throw a BB or a puppy early in the morning! I caught 4 bass, no size to them from 10" to 14" and 7 stripe. The water temp was 81 degrees and I used a top water popper, a finesse worm (junebug) and a white beatle spin. I noticed that the fish seemed to be relating to the edges of the millfoil. I had to leave and head back to HBSP, but I think this area will hold some good fish. I stopped and caught two keeper bass, a 15 1/2" and a 17 1/2" around the islands in Harrison Bay before finishing up in a slough close by with a bunch of stumps in it. I caught 3 more largemouths, all 11" to 14 1/2" in the stumps using a C-rigged june bug lizard. All in all a great evening fishing. It was so nice on the water that it didn't matter if the fish hit or not, I was just blessed to be able to get out. My total of 9 bass (2 keepers) and 7 stripe was pretty good for no longer than I fished.