Chickamauga 2-24-07

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Pointer 78

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2005
Cleveland, Tennessee
Launched out of Grasshopper aroung 11:00 a.m. Not as much wind as predicted today. Ran the back of Sale Creek and cranked up a couple of 12'' Largemouths. Ran back to the main lake and concentrated on Smallmouth. I managed to find a bunch around Hobo Bluff. No keepers but 3 were close. Ended up catching 7 on the funkified worm before running back to Grasshopper. Flipped up another couple of short fish on a jig. While I was across the lake, I happened to hear a boat coming out of Grasshopper at full speed. As I turned around, I was wondering if he was going to clear the shallows when he hit bottom. It didn't sound good at all. He sat dead in the water for a while before limping back towards the ramp. Don't take a chance people. Idle all the way to the red marker buoy before putting it on plane. I'll post a picture of one of my fish as soon as I figure out the new Kodak software.

Water temps...40-43 dgrees
Water clarity...4-5 feet main lake, 3-4 ft back in the slews

I also went to Grasshopper today! Launched the boat at around 10:15 am.

My first tirp to this part of Chickamauga! A fellow at work warned me about the shallow water coming out of the landing. Just EXACTLY as you described!

We were coming in from the Sale creek side, slowed down, the depth finder was showing 1.5 to 3.5 feet, at one point the motor hit the bottom!

Then we saw a boat coming in at HIGH speed, big rooster tail, he was at warp speed! He passed us about 50 yards on the left, and never let up!

I told Carl......

That fellow is either an IDIOT, or knows something we dont!!

We eased over and followed his path to see if he was in good water depth!

He was an IDIOT!!!!!!
Yes it is. Dont even try to go off your GPS either. If you try to hit the old "saddle", supposably the deepest point on my GPS. you will beach it. Either it has moved or my gps is off by 40 yards. Go straight to the the bouy.
Good report Pointer. Thanks for the info. Maybe this warm weather this week will help to pull the fish up some. </p>

   Hope the fella in the grounded boat was ok. Think he found the big stump out there or just the ground?  </p>
All GPS's are off by thirty feet, that is why the little statement comes up on screen that says "THIS DEVICE NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES"
Great report Pointer - I appreciate your inclusion of Water temp, clarity, and presentation. I have searched archived posts many times to compare water temp from last years reports - It's great when I can locate old reports with that data.
Alot of people complained about the wind Saturday. The upper part of the lake had very little wind until late in the afternoon. The back of Sale Creek was almost placid while I was in there.
The wind was crazy on the lower end of the lake, while we were fishing there. It was even worse down on the River Park.

Glad that you were able to get a few fish, bud. :) So, when are we going fishing. LOL Huh? When? ;)