Chickamauga-7th and 8th (Night)

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Pointer 78

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2005
Cleveland, Tennessee
My son and I got on the water Friday Night around 9:00 and ran to the back of Wolftever and caught a bunch of fish on a jig and finesse worm. My son caught the biggest fish back there. It was almost his first keeper. It was short by only 1/16 of an inch. We ran to the flat in front of Harrison Bay where I caught 4 keepers on a red Dixie Jig Works spinnerbait (Rob's custom blade). We spent about 3 hours there alone. The waves finally rocked my son to sleep and it was time to go. My 4 fish weighed in at 8.97 lbs. Too bad they weren't up on that flat 2 weeks ago during the CFF Night Tourney.

Got out tonight and got stood up by my partner. I won't mention names but he writes for the CLEVELAND DAILY BANNER. Hopefully, we'll get on the water next week Drew. Anyways, found some grass and threw a Ribbit Frog. Lots of blowups but only small ones. Ran to the same flat and caught 2 small keepers on back to back casts. Then.....nothing. The 2 may have gone 4 lbs. Ran into Sandskeeter fishing a club tourney. Man, I wish my club would schedule a night tournament. I propose it every year but its voted down. I've never seen so many men scared of the dark. :)
RE: Chickamauga 7-7th and 8th (Night)

Pointer, I know what you mean about the bunches in Wolftever. Jmax had found a bunch that we fished a couple of nights ago. I also have a flat out in Harrison bay that holds fish off and on, jason and I caught some out there Monday night. They really seem to move around out there in packs and if you can stay with them you can catch a bunch but in my experience it is hard to stay with them. I think next time I go out there I will put out a bouy when I hook one 'cause they probably are on a specific spot, whether it be a small rock pile, a brush pile or a patch of grass. Maybe then I can catch a bunch rather than one here and one there. At night it's even harder to stay in one place and stay on the fish because the visual clues aren't as easy to stay with.