Chickamauga, blue cats, 2-21

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
Went out today, took a TWRA biologist with me to try to get him a TARP (Tennessee Anglers Recognition Program) blue cat - must be at least 34". Found a few fish in 50 ft. of water at the bottom of the drop-offs using frozen cut gizzard shad and redhorse sucker, but fishing was generally slow because of little water flow. We did manage about 10 in the 8-11 lb range and missed a number of fish. We did get lucky and my guest landed a 40 lb 1 oz blue that was 43.5". This was his tenth trophy species and qualifies him as a Tennessee Master Angler Type 3 (this is new this year). Talk about happy! To my knowledge, he is only the third Tennesse angler to achieve this (behind me and his regular fishing partner - also a TWRA biologist - who went with me last week and got his tenth trophy species- a 35" blue). The smaller fish were tightly schooled and hard to find. The big fish were scattered and we only had 2 other heavy bites, one that came off early and one that broke the leader at a knot. The fish are out there, but are not easy to find yet. I'll report on future trips as I find fish or something inteteresting happens. Sorry no pictures, still using a 35 mm camera. Good Fishing! Eric
Eric... I was noting your name when I was reviewing the most recent TARP list. Man, you've got to be running out of wall space... and $5 bills! But it's clear you've got an early spring pattern that is hard to beat. Congratulations on today's catch! And welcome to CFF.
Thanks Richard! Good to meet (?) you - I've heard about you and of course read a lot of your posts. I told my wife I was going to paper the home office with the certificates. You're right, that's a lot of $5 bills (99 by last count) but I just can't help it with such a terrific fishery here. We need to be thankful for it, I certainly am. Thanks again! Eric
Sweet deal man. What is it going to take for you to guide me on chickamauga? Way to slam them, any fish over 10 lbs is an accomplishment to me, but a 40 means you are the real deal.

I apologise for not looking back at the name of the post. It's been a rough week or two here and my mind is racing on a million different paths. There are so many great fish in these lakes, to be able to, with confidence, know that a fish that is a true lunker by most standards is a good possibility every time we go out is incredible. Keep the posts coming and take a bunch of people out that don't understand how great a place we live in so that they can be advocates of the fishery too.

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