Second try at fishing the bank below the dam this morning. Light overcast and little wind made for good conditions. Water was up nearly 3 ft from Sunday evening and looked to be 3 turbines running. There were a couple boats drifting down from the wing wall, didn't see any hookups, but... After a couple of hours without a strike, fishing jigs, redfins, and spooks, it was time to pack it in. Planning to go back this evening and since I had seen another angler miss a topwater bite on a pencil popper, I rigged one, a big 1-oz. Made one quick cast and a striper blew up on it as soon as I twitched it. Unfortunately, the plug went about 5 feet straight up, sans fish. I threw it back and got a big boil under it but no take. Nothing else after that. I did see a drum, looked to be 20+, make a perfect log leap in mid-current, 50 yards above the RR bridge.</p>
Maybe this evening in the rain...</p>
Maybe this evening in the rain...</p>