Well-known member
Not much to say other than congrats to Gary & Steve on the awesome almost 21lb bag to win. Also to everyone that was able to weigh even one fish emoBang . I caught fish but they all measured 14" emoEnforce . I had one throw the hook in the grass out by 58 that I think would have measured but it wasn't a big fish. My plan was to hit a spot in Wolftever first thing and probably stay right there all night. I had earlier decided that since Jmax couldn't fish it that I would just take my 90HP Lowe alum. bass boat. It is a great fishing boat just not the fastest machine on the lake. It will max out about 40 and cruise in the low 30s. I was able to draw blast off spot #5 so I got to go in the first wave. When the call went out I put the hammer down on the little 90 and I sort of went flying emoLaugh across the water headed to Wolftever. I was relieved to look behind me and see that no one else was headed my way. The only problem was that someone (I won't say who but I know) in the second wave of boats was headed my way when I got to the bridge. I thought, well maybe they aren't even going to my spot and even if they are maybe I can get there first emoParty . Not to be, right after I got out of the no wake zone in Woftever they blasted by me and went straight where I was going emoHoppingmad . Oh well, its all fair game and they got there first emoAngry . I was kicking myself for taking the easy way out and taking the Lowe which sits in my garage ready to go and not taking the 20' Viper with the 225EFI on the back. If I would have been in the Viper I'd been first to the spot emoEvil . The Viper sits under my deck in the back yard and is kind of a pain to get out and put back, especially at 3 in the morning. I ended up fishing close to the spot for 3 hours or so and noticed that they didn't leave. It was a very nice night to be on the water, even a little cool while moving. I left Woftever after catching some short fish and moved to the grass by Hwy. 58. I managed to pick up a few more short fish and lose the only keeper I had on all night. I finally moved over to the marina at HBSP to try around the boat slips hoping to pick up even a spot to weigh but it wasn't to be. Ran out of time and to be honest I was just so discouraged that I put the boat on the trailer about 1:30am to beat the rush since I was flying solo. I stayed for the weigh in and was impressed with all the great bags of fish. Good job everyone emoWorthy . I was hoping to do well and prove to myself that I can catch a decent bag of fish without my sidekick Jmax but I guess not. This year is going down in my memory as the year of the "NET" for me. That is pretty much what I can do and then only to net my partners fish emoVomit . It was great to see everyone and it spoke well for our forum all the concern over Jmax's accident. See everyone at the next one, I hope emoBigsmile .