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Wet Willie

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Ringgold, Ga
Ok, somebody explain to me real slowly, the issue of points. Why would someone want to drop a tx in an accumulating point system. There was discussion regarding a set number of tx's to be counted to accomodate those that couldn't make all the tx's, but I guess I missed that in the "official rules". Help me! emoScratch

Could this mean we will have to meet again for beer and clarity?? emoBeer emoBeer Al
Dropping events for the points race allows an angler to miss a few txs and still be competitve in points. Anyone who attends all of the events will be rewarded by being able to drop their lowest scores, rather than zeros. I personally think it will help with participation. If we dont so this, I'm scared that someone may not fish the trail because just one of our event dates conflicts with the family reunion or something. Its not out of the question that one of us may not be able to make one of the events and I dont want someone to be ineligible for the classic or uncompetitive in points. Does that makes sense?
Justin, what is the set number of tx's to be counted? I have heard discussion about dropping one and two. Karl brought up, in an earlier post, having a set number of tx's (6?). Sorry for the dumdass disease.
Justin, I just read your live post and I take that the min # of tx's to be counted is 8, but I can use my total weight from all 9 tx's if I choose. Am I in the boat now?
That was the one point that we still weren't 100% on the other night. I personally liked Flip's idea of counting the best 5 weights since you have to fish 5 of 9 to be in the Classic. That would be MUCH more appealing to a lot of the anglers out there in my opinion
I dont care what the number we decide on is, but I think we need to decide and post it in the rules. That number needs to be defined as the number of tournaments fished to qualify to fish the classic, as weel as, the number of tournaments that count for points. Either way we need to get it posted! Al and I talked today and I think we said like 6, but 5, hell I dont care. If you have a particular opinion on the number we need to set, lets hear it!
I just looked and our current posted rules state that you can only drop one tx. I say we change to whatever and quitely post it.
Guys, I proposea "best seven" total point system. We have 9 scheduled tx's prior to the Classic. Each angler can drop two tx and use the total weight from his/her best seven. If you fish less than seven tx's, then its based on your total weight for the number of tx's you fished. This best seven point system will have nothing to with qualifying to fish the Classic, only the season points championship.</p>

I'm withJustin, lets get a consensus and get the "Official Rules" modified asap. Thanks. Al</p>

Seems fine to me.

Thought ya'll met this week and get all this out of the way? Its a bit embarrassing to post rules we're still discussing.
It works so I'd run with it. (my vote)
So 7 it is? I like the definition Al just used. So if everybody is in agreement on it, I will change it. If not, post your proposal. But we need to get it up today