Coach's Custom Rods....

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Louie B

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2006
Chatsworth, GA
I recently purchased a new Cranking rod from Paul Bagby aka "Coach's Custom Rods" in Dalton. I absolutely LOVE the rod so I figured I'd write a review.

The rod is spiral wrapped and designed for cranking but is extremely versatile. It's a Lami-glass blank w/ a carbon fiber handle, fuji guides, and is a composite rod half graphite, half fiber glass.... I used the rod first in the spring fishing w/ a friend throwing shallow cranks and rattletraps. After that trip I've purchased two of the rods and have since used it for Jerkbaits, Buzzbaits, and small topwaters.

Other than buying rods from time to time I have no affiliation w/ Coach's Rods. I highly recommend this rod to anybody who loves throwing traps, buzzbaits, and crankbaits. This rod is the real deal.

I am curious as to the length, weight range, power, and series of your blank.

I assume your blank is a Lamiglass triflex inshore line, based on your description of glass and graphite.
Length is 7ft, weight range is from 1/4 up to 3/4 or up to a DB-10 or DB-12. The power is called an 841 it has a 1 power tip w/ 3 power backbone. The blank is NOT the triflex inshore line..... The blank is actually not even in the Catalog at this time, it will be soon but not right now....

I hope this helps.

It does.
841 refers to 84" (7 ft) length and the 1-one piece.

It sounds like an XMG popping (LP) or mag. action (LMB). My guess would be the LP which I like other brands popping blanks for crank rods. Never played with a Lami popping yet.

Hi Guys,
Actually what Coach had me do was take the fiberglass model that we build the crank bait rod for Skeet Reese from and add Graphite to the butt and mid sections. In doing this it dropped the weight by 1 1/4 oz and allowed us to use a Fuji exposed #17mm reel seat on it. This blank will be offered in our new blank catalog for 2008 along with 4 other composite crank bait models in the 4 & 5 power range in moderate and moderate/Fast actions.
Nice site, I hope you don't mind me coming in and clarifying this.

Todd Vivian
Lamiglas, Inc.
Thanks for the clarification Todd, I guess it does not get any better than hearing it straight from the factory. Speaking of which, I stopped by about a month ago but being Sunday everything was closed, and I could not make it back during the remainder of my trip.emoBawl

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