Coleman's Big Spot is a Record-Breaker... sort of

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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WOW! That is amazing that a true Northern sub species over 6 pounds was caught in Chickamauga. To me That would compare to a 15+ pound largemouth. And, In all of my 68 years, I have never heard of a 15 lb LM coming from Chickamauga.</p>

You have made me have to rethink what is possible with Northern spots.</p>

Congratulations Chris,you are my hero!!</p>
That's not Chris' first spot that size. He caught another one just a few ounces lighter a few years ago. Must be one hell of a brush pile!lol!
I have actually caught 3 spotted bass in this class in my fishing career. One was a 5lb. 2oz. caught while practicing for a CBA tournament. It was not weighed on certified scales, but was weighed on my personal scales and released. The 2nd one was caught in the Catch tournament and weighed 4.99 lbs. and this one which weighed 6lbs. 1oz. The amazing part about these three fish was there location. All of them were caught within 100 yards of each other on the same particular place over the years I have been fishing it. I have no explanation or reason as to why this place holds such huge spotted bass from time to time, but it does. Thanks for the article Richard (even though it is sort of like a consolation prize. lol)