You'll find the entire lake stained, heavily in some places, from recent rains. They are pushing water hard thru The G. The lake isn't getting much of a break to settle down and clear up. The main channel is dirtier than the creeks in some places. The very back end of creeks is still heavily stained but fishable. The cleaner water tends to be in the first half or so of the feeder creeks. Water temps ranged from 53 (Honeycomb) to 58 (Big Spring). You'll find cooler spots on the main channel but the current isn't going to let you fish it very easily.
Baitfish everywhere in the backs of creeks and it's all over the water column. Lots of active feeding going on - the white bass are tearing it up on top in the back ends of creeks. Bass appear to be targeting threadfin and alewife. Look for the long, thin bands on bait along the bottom. Bass are holding underneath. I had no trouble getting them to eat an underspin and a swimjig. Also had a few takers on a DT10. With so much water being pushed thru the lake the fish appear to be holding a little bit back from traditional staging areas. Target 6-12' and you'll be OK. Sharper breaks were better than gradual breaks. A break near or on a channel turn was money.
Happy hunting!