Computer problem....Corrupt Outlook?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
I am having a problem on one of my puters. When outlook is open, the whole computer will sporadicaly go blank, and reboot? Any ideas?
Sounds like a virus to me, if it is bad ram, the puter won't boot up at all, probably just operator error.
Actually computer will boot with bad ram, ram has several memory chips on each stick equaling the total amount of ram per stick say a 512 stick may have 4 or more ships on the stick as programs open and close memory fills and drains kind of like a glass of water with a hole in the side near the top the water wont leak until it gets to the level that has the hole. Then once programs hit the bad area it curupts software on the hard drive , because it writes corrupted data back to the hard drive, and over time the hard drives reboot and when it gets bad enuff the computer reboots all the time, or just blue screens and wont start up.
Virus do alot of the same things as a bad stick of ram, depends on the virus
But if outlook was just corrupt, and the computer didnt reboot, Id say it was a bug in outlook, Ive seen outlook get corrupted b4 and it was a bug in the program, but the rebooting part is whats troubling.
If it gives you any messages b4 it reboots, write down the message and go to Microsoft's web site and search for that error message, but I would definitely run the mem tests I posted above first
Thanks for the info Shawn, the test are waaay above my levels. I was looking for advice and now I know I need to take it to the computer doctor so it can get fixed. emoThumbsup
mallardecho - 8/11/2008 9:21 AM

I re-booted one time, they were nice Red Wings they lasted a long time.

Your too funny.. I have rebooted many times, didnt like the redwings , er well my feet didnt like them

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