Confused Are Bass spawning yet?

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2016
Harrison Tn
Been out on chic the last 2 weekends checking shallows from wolftever, Harrison bay, chesterfrost, all the way up past Sequoyah and haven't seen a fish on a bed yet and haven't caught anything over 17in in that 3-6 ft range. Water temp and moon say they should be spawning or at least bedding unless I'm wrong. Just has me scratching my head.
Tossed at a few on the bed today, but no takers. I did catch a few blind spawners in the 2-3 lb range. Also caught a couple 4-4.5 lb in 12-15 ft of water. So, not all of them moving up yet.
I'm sure they are spawning right now; however, I'm sure they are all in between it as well. Some have already and some have not. The rising pool on the chick confuses me too sometimes when I can't find any visible beds I start to question. I did catch one female about 4 pounds at the Walmart coco cola tournament that had not spawned yet if that helps. If I was going to go fish tomorrow I would fish pre&post-spawn patterns to key in on bigger fish. Just my opinion
They are spawning, but not all. They come and go in waves spread out over weeks. Many chickamauga bass spawn out of sight in water too deep or too dirty to see them.
Like others have said, some are spawning and some are not. I sight-fished all day Saturday and caught/saw many bass on bed. It sounds like you have located the buck bass who will move in early and prepare the nest. The females should be close, if they haven't been caught already. Check the first drop or dock in deeper water near the areas you have located with bucks.

The hardest part will not be locating the right areas, it will be locating areas that haven't been fished already.
Like what everyone else has said, there are some bass on bed right now just got to keep looking around. Also a lot of fish spawn in a little deeper water and you won't be able to see them, but don't be scared to get off the bank a little bit! Should see a lot more pull up this weekend
Seen a lot on bed last Sunday in a foot or 2, some males look 3 + with the females with them around 5 to 7 lbs, they were locked on really good. I was pulling baits over their backs and it didn't even phase them. I also seen my 1st ever spotted bass on bed as well. It was really hard to see with all the pollen, but when they roll and their white bellies show you knew they were bass.
like everyone else I think its a bit more spread out this year, some have, some are now and some are getting ready too

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