congrats 1st bow kill

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
ultralit3 killed his first one of the season sat morning with a cross bow.he is only14 im very proud as a sportsman even more as his dad way to go son
She was directly underneath my stand I shot her a 12 ft away then 30 minutes later a 7 pointer stepped out at 75 yards away also seen about 15 deer all weekend ...... One windy saturday
Congrats and good eating! To harvest a deer with a bow is a big accomplishment.emoThumbsup
Awesome. I had 2 good groups walk in on me and never could clear a shot. Man...what a rush though. Ive never been that close to going full draw and to tell you the truth, I was shaking like crazy!

Excellent kill young man!
Liveliner - 9/24/2012 9:30 AM Congrats on the Harvest .. And to Billy, It's called "Buck Fever"...

Is it really LL? Funny...not one horn in those groups. ;) Its called a RUSH! LOL! I can only imagine how I would have felt if it had some horns though.emoTongue Wish we could bottle that feeling and sell it! Unreal. </p>

Take a Kid Hunting!!! emoThumbsup </p>
congrats on the deer. i do something now that i wish i had started with my first deer but i keep the kill tag from each deer that i kill so i can keep track of the deer i kill. plus i write on the back of tag the info of the deer. just an idea. ive been deer hunting for almost 15 years and i still get buck fever every time. i dont care if it is a small doe or has a big rack. it still tears me up.