Congrats (CBA WINNERS)

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Well-known member
May 11, 2010
Congrats to my good friends dusty and Thomas on their first CBA win in what was a long time coming and they defiantly deserved it. Congrats guys maybe this will open the door for many more to come.
WTG Dusty and Thomas , I knew those 2 would eventually break through for a win, they have been close before. emoToast emoWorthy
Boys, you got that right. emoThumbsup Looks like those two put it on the rest of us big times. I know we all like given Dusty hell teasing him often but had to admit I was really happy for that duo. While a lot of us struggled with baby bass being the only ones we could get in the boat those two must have put on a clinic of how to get some really good bass in the boat this time of year. Not only beating the field but spanking us pretty darn good, ahead of second place by over three pounds. Coming in with five at 26.44 lbs and big bass at 9.63 lbs. emoWorthy That was really impressive, don't tell Dusty I was bragging on him. Would hate to give him the big head, it is already big enough as it is. emoPoke Jmax

Congrats to Thomas and Dusty, you big dummy! emoBigsmile Jmax

Here is the rest of it if you want to know....
Thanks guys. I know we give each other hard time on here, but i appreciate the post. This has been the one tourney trail that Thomas and I have not been able to seal the deal on. It is like having a big monkey off our back now that we finally did it. I am about to post a report now so Jmax doesnt get mad at me:)