Cottonport Marina and RV Resort, New owners.

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Feb 5, 2023
My better half along with some other ladies heard about a new little place to eat and went there today. It serves pizzas and hamburgers along with the fixings to go with it. She had a burger and onion rings which she told me were very good. I was surprised when she told me where it was. This place has been there for a while but apparently recently came under new owners and they have improved on what was there. It is on the Chattanooga side of Decatur TN along the river. Boat ramp, the café and RV hook ups, as well as camp sites. They are looking into a couple cabins but have not got that under way yet.

Anyone looking to launch along that area should check that place out. emoThumbsup

In case anyone wanted to know I looked up the address and phone number.

Cottonport Marina and RV Resort
797 Cottonport Ferry Rd
Decatur TN 37322

Phone, 423-454-4110
They seem like very good people Jim. I got to meet them this past weekend at an Easter dinner and they were telling me that they had really turned that place around. If some of you guys fish up that way you need to pay them a visit.
Mile 513</p>

4th owner in 30 years.</p>

2nd owner told me last night that she was impressed with the new owners and the food.
I used to work here way back in the day cutting grass after highshcool for the previous owners. This place sure has a lot of potential and I'm glad to hear its looking up.
they have really done alot to the place, i am just glad to have the boat ramp usable again
I bout a season pass. There are several creeks close to there and the fishing is great. Good security for you rig while your gone and super juicy burgers with tables and a river view and air cond. Has a full range of fish needs. Minnows ,worms, crickets and even Bobby Garland baits
Sorry to see this thread died a little because this is just the greatest place! We've been prefishing for the Heartland Classic next weekend and have been camping there a couple days during the week, each week since mid-August. Food is still great and the new owners are still excited and caring about the campground, restaurant, and boating areas. Fellow campers were very nice and we picked up some great news from several of the fishing campers that have been there since March. I recommend this campground to everyone! Owners say they are planning to make a large parking area soon and there may be hopes of having some tournaments out of there in the future. (Sept-13-14)